Special business services for Internet Marketers!

 Free Basic Software


Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to view, navigate, and print PDF files across all major computing platforms. You will need this utility to download (and print) many documents on corporate and distributor sites. Download here.

ICQ. The interpersonal communication program you can download here:
Microsoft Word. Either came with your computer or must be purchased. You can also use Works 3.1. Microsoft Works or Access Microsoft Works usually comes with the computer or can be purchased for about $30.00 US. Access is part of the Microsoft Office Pro Package which is quite expensive.
mIRC is the Net's equivalent of CB radio. But unlike CB, Internet Relay Chat lets people all over the world participate in real-time conversations. Using an IRC client (program) you can exchange text messages interactively with other people everywhere. Download the latest version here. Pegasus. This email program is free and can be downloaded here:


Netscape 4.6 or Communicator. This browser is free and can be downloaded here:


RealPlayer. Download free RealPlayer here. Enjoy CNN, all major networks, radio stations all over the world and much more. Our company and distributors use RealPlayer to broadcast messages, so you need this utility!

 Global Internet Marketing


3132 Categorized URLs for International Internet Marketing in 28 countries, divided into six major linguistic and/or geographical segments; delivered by email. $12.30. Order here.

Foreign Language Response Documents - Twenty-one core English documents translated into Spanish, French & Portuguese; to accompany the Global InternetWorking Website; delivered by email. $29.95. Order here.

Massive Submission Service. Free to members, our URL Submission Service is a powerful time-saving service for the automatic registry of your web sites to at least 1115 sites. For non-members: $39.95 per registered URL. Order here.

T.E.A.M. Order Form

Website Order Form - Interactive, multi-lingual, seven-page website designed to help you prospect and recruit international Internet marketers.

 Internet Resources


Declan Dunn Tape Set - How to open your locked doors of profits with Affiliate Programs. The Mastermind Sessions: Four audio, power training course for maximizing your profits.

Discover E-Commerce - Preview this CD Manual risk-free.

Ezze.net, Your Internet Solutions Partner - PC Magazine Editors Choice. Become an Ezze.Net Member and enjoy 100% free Internet services.

Money-At-Home.com. Award winning home business web site that provides valuable information and resources to the home business entrepreneur. Money making opportunities, free reports, free advertising, more!

Publicity Link places your press release directly in the emailboxes of over 5,000 reporters and media outlets across the world. This exclusive service caters specifically to small businesses, regardless of size or budget. Also provide The Free Guide to Media Relations in your email box.

 Optional Software


Accurate Marketing (The Spider). Registry at over 1000 sites around the Internet. Similiar to Submit Wolf Pro and others. $100.00 US.

 Classify 98. Optional submit software. Over 200 Classified Ads. $95.00 US. Espanadir. Optional submit software. Over 200 Classified Ads in Spanish. $50.00 US.


Postmaster. The #1 secret in Internet Marketing. Database
Management & Personalized Email Follow-up Software ... that does
it all automatically! Free demo copy here:
 SubmitWolf Pro.  With a database of over 2400 search engines and link directories, this submission software automatically submits your URLs to over 1200 sites. Free script upgrades. $95

 Submission Services


BJM And Associates. No ordinary submission service! This is the best web promotion on the net. WEEKLY submissions to 9,000 and growing Free For All Link Sites.. 1,200 Search Engines... And 400 Classifieds .. For Only $12.95 (+ tax), per site. For six months.


Build traffic with LINK-O-MATIC and watch your traffic soar. We love this service and use it all the time! Submit to 400 Free-for-all Sites in just 15 seconds. You can do this once a week for 6 months. Click here




Jerry D. Pence
Tel. (520) 298-2462

 Jose Fernando Tapia