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If you like haunting music, new age music, spiritual or classical music, this website lists CDs I have heard which are just out of this world. This is music which is not part of the familiar mainstream music, so most people don't know about this music, hence this website.

There are websites about film music, new age music, classical music and so on but not any about haunting/spiritual/heavenly music, which is what this page is about. The music listed could also be used as choreography music too. I also point out websites in which you can hear samples of all the tracks on nearly any CD you can buy, in the section "Where To Hear Track Samples" in the middle of this page.

The list is as follows...

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~Hildegard von Bingen~
~This is Gregorian chant type music and there's many CDs to choose from. Some of them are Gregorian chant music only, whilst some of them have other instruments playing alongside too. The first CD I heard is called 'Illumination' (14 tracks). This features a woman singing magnificently in an angelic voice accompanied by modern instruments - it's soothing, rhythmical, very magical and is heavenly music. The music took me to another dimension, a magical kingdom. The music was just sensational, very angelic and heavenly. The CD also contains beautifully haunting piano music and violin music. It makes me think that it's the sort of music suitable for playing at a sacred site, like Stonehenge. People who like Enya or Clannad would love this one. This music could fit into the Pagan music or new age categorY~.


You can hear samples of this CD by clicking (Illumination samples)

The second Hildegard von Bingen CD I have heard is called 'und Ihre Zeit' (or 'Hildegard von Bingen & her time') (14 tracks). There are no modern instruments used, it's all traditional ones involving mainly piccolos, lute guitars & clarinets. It is Gregorian chant music and it sounds peaceful and very spiritual indeed. There are men singing, around 10 rather than a whole choir. It does sound like they're in a monastery or church back in the 15th century, and you actually feel as if you're in a monastery or a church when you hear it.

The U.S. amazon website is the only amazon website which sells these 2 CDs, but they can send orders overseas.
To hear samples click (und Ihre Zeit samples)

Another CD is called 'Vision (Music of Hildegard von Bingen)' (17 tracks). It's like 'Illumination' - heavenly & divine. It's made by the same people too.
Samples are from (Vision samples)
In the UK you can also buy this CD from

If you would like to hear samples from other Hildegard von Bingen CDs, the website with the biggest collection of track samples is from Type in 'Hildegard von Bingen', then click the result with 'Hildegard von Bingen'.
Added:2 Apr 05: If you enjoy hearing the medieval, spiritual/peaceful sound of nuns singing, two CDs I would recommend are: 'Music of the Angels'(29 tracks, 66min) & '11,000 Virgins'(18 tracks).

~Ludovico Einaudi~
A pianist with the power to move people to tears with his haunting music. Check out a CD called 'Echoes The Einaudi Collection' - 78 minutes of mainly piano music. One haunting piece called 'Passaggio' had me nearly in tears the first time I heard it. It has lots of high pitched piano notes, so it does sound like medieval music. I felt as if a previous life in a magical kingdom far away had been rekindled. It was that meaningful. Check out other peoples' reviews at Amazon's website - they were moved to tears.
Another track 'Calmo' features absolutely divine harp music, which is so relaxing. It sounds beautifully medieval-like too & you can hear every note being played with crystal clarity, as if you were right next to it. It's the sort of music I can imagine they played at King Arthur's Camelot, completely magical. It is very romantic music.

~John Barry~
John Barry is a romantic movie music composer who's works include music written for various James Bond films, one of which includes the beautiful 'Moonraker' theme. He also composed the theme music to the film 'Out of Africa' which starred Robert Redford and Meryl Streep. A lot of his music is like that - the romantic string orchestra type.

There's a CD called 'The Beyondness of Things' (12 tracks) which has a stunning piece of music with that name. It's a very powerful piece of music and in listening to it made me feel as if I was standing on top of a mountain in 'Lord of The Rings'. It sounds a bit like the 'Out of Africa' theme - typical John Barry music, and the rest of the CD is like that too.

Another CD called 'Moviola' (or 'Moviola I') (13 tracks) is much the same, romantic/haunting string orchestra music. It has the theme from 'Midnight Cowboy' which sounds like a continuation of the 'The Beyondness of Things' track, which I just adore. It also has a string orchestra rendition of the James Bond theme 'We Have All The Time In The World'.

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Some cinema music is just like ordinary classical music (like Star Wars & ET), but the following list of cinema music CDs contain music I've found to be astounding:

~The music is composed by Hans Zimmer & there are 2 CDs with music from the film. The one I prefer is the second one called 'More Music From Gladiator'. It has some of the music on the first, plus extra tracks. One track is called 'Rome Is The Light'. It features the amazing aromatic voice of Lisa Gerrard singing very powerfully in some unknown language accompanied by an orchestra. The music has a Roman feel to it and it was so beautiful that it made me feel as if I was on top of the world. I felt as if "I", was the Emperor of Rome! It was that wonderfuL~.

Another track 'Now We Are Free' made me feel just the same. Again it features Lisa Gerrard singing very powerfully in some unknown language to a beautifully repeating tune.

It was interesting to read her comments in the CD booklet about the making of the music. Hans took her to a retreat somewhere, and brought out of her music from the deepest depths of her being. She had been given the opportunity to bring out of her some arousing musical genius that had been hidden inside her, and she never wanted that experience to end. I think all of us must have experienced that sort of thing before.

~American Beauty~
There's 2 CDs. One is mainly pop music. The other is composed by Thomas Newman & has about 19 tracks of classical music. It has a picture of a woman on a red background on the cd cover. This is the one I'm referring to. The music contains beautifully haunting piano music accompanied by an orchestra.

Similar to American Beauty, but even more beautifully haunting! I prefer this to American Beauty. It almost makes you want to cry when you listen to it! The music is well suited to a 'weepy' movie.

~"1492: Conquest of Paradise"~
This is by Vangelis. There's 2 CDs with this title, the one I refer to has 12 tracks including tracks called 'Twenty Eighth Parallel' & 'Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria'. This CD demonstrates his genius. The music goes well with the movie, and I've listened to this music a lot over the years. It is haunting music done with modern keyboards & it is powerful & evocative.

~Whale Rider~
This is spiritually moving music with Maori-style chanting alongside haunting synthesizers & a guitar. Some of the music sounds a bit eerie, but it is evocative. Lisa Gerrard sings in this CD too.

~The Passion of The Christ~
This is haunting orchestral music. It's somewhat like Gladiator, and I think it's beautiful music, very evocative and powerful.

~The Quiet American~
This is another film with truly wonderful orchestral music. The music is very powerful, evocative and haunting. Even better, some of the music is accompanied by the beautifully haunting voice of an oriental singer. The CD contains 12 tracks of such incredibly moving music.

~Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon~
The music from this film sounds very oriental (of course) and is performed by a violin/cello along with an orchestra. The music is wonderfully moving, haunting and romantic, and features the cellist Yo-Yo Ma (who some of you may have heard of). Samples are from

~The Thin Red Line~
This is a war film and again the film score is composed by Hans Zimmer. The music is soothing, romantic string symphony/orchestral music and it sounds a little like the theme to 'Saving Private Ryan' except without any trumpets. When I first heard it I did quite like it but after several months of listening to it, it has grown on me. I wouldn't say it was as good as the other music on this page, but I think it's worth including.

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Where To Hear Track Samples

The instrument of the ancients, the lyre.
(Click to see great paintings of classical ancient Greece by my favourite
artist, the 19th century artist Lawrence Alma-Tadema)

This American Yahoo website has samples of all the tracks on a CD for most of the CDs that you can buy. The website uses the 'Windows Media Player' (made by Microsoft) for its audio samples - which all Microsoft Windows PCs have. It also shows the prices of the various vendors selling that CD. Click
then click the U.S. flag, then click the 'Music' section, then type in the musician/CD name.

The U.S. amazon now has all the track samples for nearly any CD you could ever buy. If you're searching for film soundtracks, search for them as a 'pop music' search type.

Another website that has track samples for just about every CD is

Another website that has track samples for just about every CD is


Normally the samples are 30 seconds long. The latter 3 have the largest range of CDs for which there are track samples. I would never get a CD now without first hearing samples from one of the these websites.

Of course when you're listening to these audio samples, the sound quality isn't going to be that great - it would be telephone quality rather than CD quality. When you're listening to samples it's best to get a pen and paper so that you can rate each track. It's also a good idea to open a second browser window so that you can see this page as well as the website that has the track samples. You can do this by clicking the 'File' menu at the top left, then 'New', 'Window'.

It's a good idea to bookmark those websites so you can use them again and again. I would suggest you create a new folder called 'Track Samples' and put them there. For bookmark the page you get after you have clicked the U.S. flag & the 'Music' section, as these are just the 2 front pages.

If the websites above don't have the music you want to hear/buy try searching on

There are certain websites where their audio samples need software called Realplayer (which is now called RealOne player). If you don't have Realplayer you can get it free from the middle of this page. If you don't know whether you have Realplayer you'd have to try hearing a track sample to find out. (Files which need Realplayer have a '.ra' at the end of their name).

Whichever player you use, it's a good idea to use it in 'compact' mode by clicking the 'View' menu at the top. Also there's an 'Always On Top' option which keeps it shown all the time. That way you'll see a compact view of the player as well as the main window of your internet browser at the same time.

Another website which lists CDs sold by a variety of vendors is
Type in the artist name, then click 'Music' as the search type. They have more vendors & CDs than

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~~  New Age Music  ~~

Please note that the following section on 'new age' music is very comprehensive as there is a lot to cover.

 ~Back in the early 90s I discoverd some new age music from a company called 'New World Music' in England. This music was completely astounding! I would say that this, along with Hildegard von Bingen & Gladiator is my favourite music on this pagE~.

There were 5 CDs that I really liked:
'Wings of Fire' by Denis Quinn: this music is peaceful and beautiful, yet powerful. The gentle singing of Denis Quinn is wonderful.
'Illumination' by Terry Oldfield: this features the most hauntingly beautiful flute music along with a keyboard playing. It floated me away to a misty Himalayas.
'Star of heaven' by Terry Oldfield: features the most beautiful angelic singing of his sister Sally Oldfield, singing along to a most heavenly piece of synthesizer music.
'Between Two Worlds' by Phil Thornton: has some lovely gentle high-pitched keyboard music.
'Fire Queen' by Phil Thornton: has wonderfully rhythmically haunting flute music.

All this music is very spiritual & is available from their free catalogue (in the U.K.):

~ New World Music, Freepost ANG 4441, Bungay, Suffolk~
NR35 1ZD (U.K.)
Tel. (044) 01986 891600
Fax (044) 01986 891601

] (for U.K. clients)

Their U.S. address is:
New World Music, PO Box 3090, Ashland, OR 97520
Tel. 1-800-936-7321
Fax 541-488-7870

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Their website is split into U.S., U.K. and Australian sections. They sell music from a variety of new age musicians & can send orders overseas. There is also a moneyback guarantee if you're not satisfied with a purchase, provided you return it within 21 days.

When I first created this page, there were no websites which had samples for the 5 CDs mentioned above. I have now found such websites, and they are listed in the following sections.

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Terry Oldfield

[This website will have a lot of track samples for you to listen to. My suggestion is that it's best to keep a detailed record of which CDs you have heard (preferably on a word processor document) as there will be quite a lot, and because more music will be added to this website in future.]

There is a compilation CD of his called 'Earth Spirit' (12 tracks), but this CD does have the tracks from his 'Illumination' CD that I really like. You can hear samples from 'Earth Spirit' by going to

Terry Oldfield CD samples then click 'Earth Spirit'
where you download 1 minute mp3 samples (which the Windows Media player can play).
This page is a great place to hear samples of all his CDs as well.
'Earth Spirit' is available to buy at then click on the 'CD/Music' section at the top, then click 'Artists'.

There is a CD of his called 'Resonance' (8 tracks), a very relaxing piece of music which features the flute & is very 'rain forest' like. It is available at (U.S.) where you can hear all the track samples.
In the UK you can also buy this CD at, or in the 'Music' section.

Samples of 'Star of Heaven' by Terry Oldfield (one of the 5 I said I liked) can be heard here:

Star of Heaven where you download 1 minute mp3 samples.
Or here Star of Heaven
In the US you can buy it at
In the UK it is available to buy at (no track samples but they can send orders overseas).
You can also buy this CD at or at in the 'Music' section.

Otherwise search on also sell 'Star of Heaven' and 'Illumination' and are able to send orders overseas.

There is another Terry Oldfield compilation CD which contains tracks from a range of his CDs. It's called 'Reflections' or 'Reflections...The Best of Terry Oldfield' (15 tracks).

If you type "Terry Oldfield" at (U.S.) or at (as a 'Music' search) or at
any Amazon website, OR at any of the English websites mentioned above

you'll find a collection of his CDs for sale, including 'Reflections...The Best of Terry Oldfield'. have all the track samples (30seconds). Amazon sell the biggest range.

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Phil Thornton

I mentioned above that there were 5 CDs that I really liked, 2 of which were by Phil Thornton: 'Fire Queen' & 'Between Two Worlds'. My favourite track from 'Fire Queen' is 'Laughing Wolf Madrigal' and my favourite track from 'Between Two Worlds' is 'Spirit In Flight'.

I have now found a wonderful Phil Thornton compilation CD which contains those 2 tracks and it's called 'Illusions'. There is a Swiss website which has samples:

Illusions samples where you download 1 minute mp3 samples
(they can send orders overseas).
You can also buy this CD from but not the U.S. amazon.
You can also buy it at where they list prices in pound sterling and U.S. dollars.

If you type "Phil Thornton" at or at (as a 'Music' search) or at
any amazon website or at
you'll find his various CDs. have all the track samples.

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Denis Quinn (Asha)

I have now found samples from the 'Wings of Fire' CD (one of the 5 I said I liked) containing my favourite track from that CD - which is called 'Appassionata'. It's found on one of his compilation CDs called 'Celestine', the samples for which are here
Celestine samples
In the U.K. buy it at click the 'Music' section, then click 'new age', then look under 'Asha'. Or at (using his other name of 'Asha' or 'Asher Quinn').

I've heard samples from the following Denis Quinn CDs and thought that although they were OK they weren't great. You're welcome to find out for yourself:
There is a CD called 'Art of Love' (15 tracks).
To hear all the samples click of Love samples)
'Art of Love' can also be bought at (using his other name of 'Asha' or 'Asher Quinn').

If you type "Denis Quinn" in the 'Music' section at you'll find a CD for sale called 'Concert of Angels' (46min, 5 tracks), along with all track samples.
This can also be bought at (using his other name of 'Asha' or 'Asher Quinn').

If you click New Age Artists samples
you will find a website which has track samples for a lot of New Age Artists (including Oldfield & Thornton). If you then click on 'Asha' you'll find a list of his CDs for sample which include 'Prophecy'.
In the U.S. it can be bought at
In the U.K. try

Click the picture if you want to buy a harp like that one!

Incidentally,, & all the Amazon websites all sell a collection of Hildegard von Bingen CDs, with having the largest collection. If you are in the UK you can also buy them from or

There you are, I said it would be comprehensive! There are also other new age musicians like Llewellyn, Medwyn Goodall & Philip Chapman, but the three I've mentioned are my three favourite ones.

Medwyn Goodall has a CD called 'Visions - The Best of Medwyn Goodall' (or 'Visions' or 'Best of Medwyn Goodall'). You can get it from all the above websites which have song samples.

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  I have heard the music from films like 'Lord of the Rings' and Titanic and although I do like them, I have not included those in my list as they are well known already and I think they're not as good as the music listed above.

I bought an inexpensive Vangelis CD from a discount store called 'QD' (in England) which featured Vangelis' best music. It's called 'Genius - The Music of Vangelis' & I'm glad I bought it. It has 16 tracks on it but there was one track that I thought was really amazing called 'Dawn'. I had heard a lot of Vangelis' wonderful music before, but never 'Dawn'. There is a Vangelis CD that can be bought on the internet which has this track & it's called 'Reprise'. The music is mesmerizing, although it's hard to describe what it sounds like. You can hear a sample from this CD if you click here sample)
although a 30 second sample doesn't do it justice.


If you don't have any
version of Realplayer, you can
get it free (now RealOne player) from or
This is a well known piece of software
which is worth getting as certain
websites have their samples
in this format only.

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Talking about wonderful music that few people have heard of before, there is another musician I simply must tell you about. This is a French pop singer called Mylene Farmer (I know that that sort of music is not in keeping with the above music). She's famous in France, and although I enjoy a minority of pop songs, her music is the best pop music that I've ever heard, so that's saying a lot, so I just have to include it here. I think she should be world famous.
There are several songs of hers that I really enjoy, but there's one in particular which is Out Of This World called 'Sans Contrefacon'. This song can be found on 3 CDs:

Live A Bercy (double CD)
(Best of) Les Mots
Ainsi Soit Je

Mylene Farmer CDs can be bought at: or used to have all the track samples, but this is no longer the case. do however have all the track samples to 'Live A Bercy' & 'Ainsi Soit Je'. Just type in 'mylene farmer' as a 'Music' search.

If you do like her music, also have all the track samples to another of her CDs called Anamorphosee. To hear the samples click below: samples)

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There is a national English radio station which broadcasts classical music 24 hours a day. They broadcast a show which plays film soundtracks (new & old) every Saturday 5pm-7pm GMT November-March (4pm-6pm GMT April-October). This is an excellent show and is where I first heard American Beauty, Gladiator & Whale Rider. You can hear their live broadcasts at


And this site is for lovers of film music (they also have an audio library where you can listen to track samples for many films)

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YIf I had to name my favourite music, I'd have to say it was Hildegard von Bingen's 'Illumination'. Its heavenly, haunting, soothing rhythms of music mixed with angelical singing take me out of space and time. All my worries disappear. It's music written by angels for angels - the most heavenly thing you could ever buy. I sometimes listen to it first thing in the morning, and then later as the sun sets - it's amazing!

Well, if you've read this far you must be a music connoisseur! It's only when you start hearing the track samples that you can appreciate this page. Reading words on a web page can only do so much.Y

YThis page is really about sharing the enjoyment of the most beautiful music I have every heard, rather than who sung or did what. I'm not that bothered about details. The work of many musicians have been brought to this page, and I thank all of them for making this possible. If you have enjoyed this website please tell your friends. (The picture at the top incidentally is the chapel at Versailles in case anyone wanted to know).

If you would like to make a comment please use the guestbook. Should any links not work please let me know. If you want to put a link to this website that's OK with me (please tell me if you do). If the comment is of a more personal nature, choose the 'private' option in the guestbook (leave your email address in the message). You will find the link to the guestbook on subsequent pages.

If you buy a CD as a result of this page, please tell readers what you think of it using the guestbook. I bought a personal CD player & connected it to an AC adapter & a pair of PC loudspeakers. I have put them in my hallway, so now I have beautiful music playing all day long! I shall update this website on a regular basis. I shall put any new entries under the line below.Y

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Y Previous last edit: 3 November 2004
Last edit: 18 November 2004
Current edit: 11 December 2004

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Thanks for your comments in the guestbook. I'm glad you enjoyed the website.

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ww Added 3 May 2004 ww
I have added 2 more amazing CDs to Hildegard von Bingen, now making 3 (at the start).


ww Added 7 May 2004 ww
I have added details of where to get 'Star of Heaven' by Terry Oldfield
in the section on new age music.

Near the bottom of this page I mentioned a national English radio station who broadcast
a show which play film soundtracks. I have now written that it's on every Saturday
6pm-8pm GMT November-March, 5pm-7pm GMT April-October.

I emailed the man who presents that show, Simon Bates, telling
him of this website. He replied saying that he'd look at it!


ww Added 12 May 2004 ww
Added music by the great romantic music composer John Barry. I've put it towards the
beginning of this page, just after Ludovico Einaudi and before film soundtracks.


ww Added 21 May 2004 ww
I got a message from someone saying he'd seen the film 'The Last Samurai'
and thought that the music was unbelievable when he walked out of the
cinema. I have heard one track from the film on Classic FM's film
soundtrack show and thought it was wonderful, very haunting,
moving and powerful - in keeping with the music on this
page, although I haven't yet heard the whole CD. The
music is composed by Hans Zimmer. If anyone
thinks it's in keeping with the music on
this page, please say so in the

Added 25 Feb 05: I have now heard the entire CD(11 tracks, 1 hour). It is very moving & dramatic music indeed. I found the last track was the most beautiful one, and is the main piece of music for the CD. I also loved tracks 4 & 7. They reminded me of a beautiful dream I had where I visited an alien as a guest of honour on their home planet. The alien had a truly almighty presence, and the tracks which are very dreamy & haunting reflected that.
Click here for the track samples


ww Added 1 June 2004 ww
I mentioned a link which lets you see pictures of the 'New World Music'
CD covers. As this link no longer works I have removed it.

In the guestbook someone mentioned an artist called Ray Lynch (who I've never yet
heard of) that they really liked. Here's what they wrote:

u May I add some that will truly take you away? The first..."Ray Lynch"-"Nothing above my shoulders but the evening"...he saves the best for last on a truly deed, textured, and romantically beautiful CD....I've fallen asleep to it many times. He has other CD's, but this is his masterpiece.
Secondly, try "2002". Their best CD's are "Wings", 'Land of Forever", and "Chrysalis"....I promise you, you'll write me and thank me. Hours of bliss there.
Thirdly, and a bit harder to find, is "Chuck Wild" "Liquid Mind" Volume VI. Beautiful, melancholy, and truly relaxing. May they truly touch your soul, as they have mine. u

See further below for where to hear track samples of 2002.


ww Added 19 June 2004 ww
Both these famous composers created a lot of romantic/haunting music. A piece of Debussy's music which is perhaps not so well known is called 'Reverie'. It is a very romantic piece of music indeed, a very delightful tune and it can be found on a CD called 'Debussy For Daydreaming'. This CD also features the well known and beautiful 'Clair de Lune'. Track samples can be heard by clicking For Daydreaming samples)

Incidentally, I also love Ravel's music too. For me, his most beautifully haunting piece is 'Mother Goose' (Ma Mere L'Oye), a most dreamy piece of orchestral music which takes you to another world. It can be found on a CD called 'Ravel: Orchestral Works' (which also features his famous Bolero). All track samples can be found here Orchestral Works samples) 'Jean Martinon' being the conductor.
In the U.K. this CD can be heard & bought at Orchestral Works samples)
(there's several versions - the one you want is found under the label 'Double Forte').

These pieces of music can be heard in both the piano and orchestral versions - I personally much prefer the orchestral versions. I have heard 'Reverie' in an orchestral version years ago, but as yet I have only managed to find it in its piano version.


ww Added 26 June 2004 ww
I have added the stunning music of 'The Quiet American' to the film music section.

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ww Added 31 July 2004 ww
I have been listening to some Gregorian Chant music sung by some
Benedictine monks. If you like this very sacred/peaceful type of
music, type 'gregorian chant' into one of the 3 websites
which have track samples. There are different
groups of Benedictine monks, but they all
sound very similar.

Also added music from the film 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'.


ww Added 8 August 2004 ww
Added music from the film 'The Thin Red Line'.


ww Added 30 August 2004 ww
I have heard samples from Sally Oldfield's CD 'Flaming Star' (8 tracks) and I like some of the tracks. They feature her ethereal singing/chanting along to pop-style music and it sounds spiritual. 30 second samples are from
if you click the U.S. flag then go to the Music section.
After hearing these samples, I then went to
and then into the CD music section, then into the 'Artists' section where I found that they had a 2 minute sample of one of those tracks (named Flaming Star). I then clicked on the sound sample for the Real Audio format (they also have it available in Windows Media format) which downloaded the sample. I was then able to listen to it continuously off-line. Initially I didn't think much of it, but after several hearings, it grew on me and I found it was rather good.


I have also found a new age music website where you can hear samples of every track on nearly all the CDs they sell (Realplayer is needed):
When you go to this website, your PC automatically downloads a 1 minute mp3 song. Once downloaded, double click it and your Windows Media player will play it. It's an absolutely spectacular, breath taking piece of music called 'The Ocean Dreams', which sounds a little like Enya's music (no vocals) except better. I love listening to it over and over again as it is so uplifting.
If you want to find the CD it came from, go to their 'Relax & Unwind' section & you'll find it on a CD called 'Across An Ocean of Dreams' (they have 5 track samples). The group who made this are called 2002 - the guy who contacted me on '1 June 2004' several entries above mentioned them. have all the track samples.
(In the U.K.: you can get 2002's CDs from if you click 'Music' at the top, then click 'Music Section' at the top of the next page. This takes you to the 'Advanced Search' page as you cannot find 2002 CDs using a normal search.)


ww Added 19 October 2004 ww
I am more than delighted to say that I have heard Moya Brennan's (previously spelt Maire Brennan) latest CD called 'Two Horizons' (15/16 tracks). Moya used to be in Clannad and is the sister of Enya. This CD has her spellbinding voice singing along to some amazing New Age/Celtic/ethereal style of music. I loved every track on the CD, which is saying a lot as normally I would only enjoy around 2!
If you have Realplayer you can hear 1 minute track samples at

Otherwise Horizon samples) also have all the samples (30 seconds).


ww Added 23 October 2004 ww
As no longer have track samples, I have removed such links to it.


ww Added 3 November 2004 ww
It now seems that have all the track samples to most of the CDs they sell, so I have updated this page accordingly. I have also said that Realplayer is needed to hear their tracks. This is no longer the case as they now also have all their tracks in Windows Media format.
I have updated again the new age section about Denis Quinn's music, as well as Phil Thornton's music.
I have also again updated the new age section about Terry Oldfield's music, which now include 'Star of Heaven' samples.
I also list a superb website where you can hear samples of all his music, including his 'Earth Spirit' CD.
There is also a link to Download Accelerator software.
To get there click the knight picture below.
I have added more CDs to Denis Quinn.


ww Added 18 November 2004 ww
I have heard samples from the film 'Angels In America'. The music is composed by Thomas Newman (who composed American Beauty). The pieces were haunting, heavenly, some medieval-like. It's like a cross between American Beauty & King Arthur. There's 31 tracks on 1 CD so the tracks are about 1 or 2 minutes long, which means that each 30 second sample gives you a better idea of what they are like. Samples are from In America samples)


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Download Accelerator Plus

This is a handy piece of software which enables you to download any files from the internet at 2-3 times the speed, so you'll save a lot of time. This will be handy for downloading all those mp3 samples. It also allows you to pause a download and resume it another day - useful for big files. Get it free (3Mb size) at


I have also written an article to using free sound recording/editing software, as well as transferring music from hi-fi to PC at:
If you enjoy listening to your favourite music, you will definitely want this software as it improves the beauty of your favourite music, read it to find out why. Even if you're not interested in doing this yourself, you probably know someone who is.

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