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 this is me last year.

My natal chart

(as written by my best friend Nathan)

My beautiful friend Sarah "I met a lady who was playing with her soldiers in the dark one by one, she had to tell them that her name was Joan of Arc..." -- Leonard Cohen, "Last Year's Man" (from my quotes for Sarah)
Sarah is an actress and a poet, and though her wardrobe seems consists almost entirely of camo, she's fairly normal. Everything is her fault, and I'm just using her to get to her guitar...which is fine, since she's using me to get to Shannon and ... =) Sarah is an amazing person who cares deeply about others, and is more honest than almost anyone I have ever met. I never thought I would love her as much as I have come to, and that's just my own stupid fault. Though she lives far away, I still feel closer to her than I do to most of the people I know. She absolutely needs to get out of Fort Collins, with its psychos (and then there's the actual lunatics). There may or may not be drastic changes awaiting us, but I am sure that so long as we wish it, we will walk this world together.
