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Whispering Wells

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The Whispering Angelİ.

Working towards making the awareness of Raising Kids With Special Needs known.

Several years ago, Josi (Ma) and Kelly started a chat for RKwSN and since, have become a full support network with many wonderful and hard working subgroups.

Please check out the link below.

Thank "U" for your support! : )

My Cody Angel

By Vicky Ann Couchİ

My Cody Angel, U are a gift from above,
only to know of His deep love.
You've touched so many with your smile,
and spread so much love from mile to mile.

Multitudes have been united as one,
because of you, my dear sweet Hon.
U wrapped your heart around grandpa's little finger,
who sat back with a smile and told grandma to nearby linger.

She set her fleeting hands to this funny little keyboard,
and set out to search for her first message board.
With all the love of a Mom,
she connected with Iepmom.

They searched all around and back,
but it all came down to Cody and Zach.
Their journey seemed long,
but it still continues strong.

Many strangers stopped by with a very special need,
to join the family of Raising Kids with Special Needs.
All kinds of people from all walks of life,
felt they were filled with so much strife.

Because of you, my sweet Cody Angel,
all can reach out from whatever the angle.
They offer a hand up, and know a stranger not,
They give from the heart even tho theirs is distraught.

It's a window to the world, that God's love shines thru,
may His light continue to shine thru you.
Someday we will all have our perfect set of wings,
but until that time comes, may the Lord bond this ring.

Some know u as a Smallman, my Cody Angel dear,
but u have accomplished more than many far or near.
U never complain with all your own special needs,
u just love your family of Raising Kids with Special Needs.

The RKWSN Whispering Angelİ and the RKWSN Rustic Silver Ribbonİ are no longer available for purchase. Help spread the awareness of our lil muffins and their needs for equipment and/or services not covered by insurance, by wearing and sharing your own pin/s. I hope to open the door to other avenues of support and services for our RKWSN Family by making the awareness known.

The RKWSN Whispering Angelİ N/A.

The RKWSN Rustic Silver Ribbonİ N/A.

All pins are mounted on My Cody Angel's card. : ) Nothing is framed, or fancy, in order to keep the costs down for the Family.

Closed with Luv. XOXO'z to the lil muffins : )

Whispering Wells, LLC

Whispering Wells, LLC and/or it's members are NOT responsible for the use of this product or items lost or damaged in the mail. This is NOT a TOY! Please protect our lil muffins. : )

Contribute to the cause of raising kids with special needs.

Please let me thank ALL of "U" dear friends who have helped with your guidance and expertise to lend a hand up to the RKWSN Family awareness program. God bless "U"!

PTL ~and~ Keep a song in your heart! : )

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Used with permission from Deerlake Web Designs.

Deerlake Web Designs

Thank "U" Stephen & Becca! : )

pssssst I LUV their Holy Bears!!! LOL

Check out their store while "U" are there, and tell them RKwSN sent u. : )

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