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New Zealand sports competitions and general sports information. Current competitions : NPC Rugby Union 1st division fantasy and tipping contests. We have plans to include NRL Rugby League , Shell Cup & Shell Trophy Cricket , Super 12 Rugby , and Soccer. Sports for the future could be NBA Basketball , Motor Sports , Horse & Greyhound Racing

W E L C O M E !

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Member of New-Zealand HyperBanner

Come in, settle down and enjoy our New Zealand sporting competitions.

We are back in action again after 2 unsucessful attempts at running pay to enter competitions. Money is either too tight or we are not reaching enough interested people because the response has been really poor to say the least. At $NZ5 a entry the price must be right, so we can't be creating enough interest. So this time round we are running trial competitions that are free to enter. Our first trial run will be on rugby's NPC 1st Division. Check them out on our Rugby Page.

If you have a spare couple of minutes please help us to provide competitions that interest you by filling in our Questionaire

LinkExchange Member

Things to come

Other Sports Competitions

Including cricket, rugby league, soccer and any others we find that are popular.

A Links Page

A page with links to other NZ sporting sites, especially those who will include a link to this site (in fact we will link to any site that will link to ours). If this is you please drop us a note.

Let us know what you kind

If you like what you see here PLEASE tell someone about it.
Hell, even if you don't like whats here tell someone you don't like

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Member of NZADS