- Booklet, about 3 x 5 inches, 30+ pages, black and white giving the Italian version of the Battle of Little Bighorn. In Italian. Some ads and color pages
Mounted Cavalry & Gatling Gun
The mounted 7th Cavalry are among the hardest to find in the 1/32 range. There are six different figures plus at least 5 different horses. Earlier figures are in a flat blue color, while later figures are in a brighter waxy blue color.
Custer at Little Big Horn
Ouch these guys look like pincushions. The set has 10 pieces including two multifigure scenes. The figures are found in a variety of blue colors in the boxed set, but for some reason they were put in yellow for the blister card. Figure on the top left represents Custer.
Cavalry Camp
A nice 14 piece set with six figures, two horses and six accessories. Several of the figures are made to interact with the accessories. These have been made in several shades of blue. It is uncertain if they were put on a blister card or not. The above scans are of 1/72 figures which are identical to their 1/32 counterparts.
Buffalo Bill
A nice 14 piece set. There are four different hunters including Buffalo Bill possibly trick shooting while riding a horse. Also included are campfire with coffepot, a donkey with separate fur load and five different Bison (American Buffalo). We have seen this set in a variety of tans and browns. It came in both boxed (1202) and blister card (#19) sets.
Davy Crockett
A great 17 piece set that depicts scenes from Davy Crockett's life including his last stand at the Alamo. We have seen this set in tan in the 1205 boxed set and a red/orange in the blister card set. The blister card set is always missing either the hunting dogs or the two mules as there were too many pieces to fit in the blister.
Kit Carson
A neat 18 piece set that contains Kit Carson (rifle x waist) and three other pioneers , 4 Indians, 2 Indian Poinies + a 3pc raft w/ 5 piece load of fur bundles, barrels, & boxes. In the boxed set the figures can be found in tans and browns, while the blister cards contained figures in blue and green. The above scan is of a 1/72 scale set which has the identical contents.
Gold Rush
The above set of pictures is of a 1/72 "HO" set, but the pieces are identical to those found in the 1/32 set. There are eight figures with some interesting accessories for a total of 12 pieces. The small half of the ore cart was not put in the last run of boxed sets! Also the man and two donkeys all on one base may be missing as well. We have seen these in various shades of tan and brown.
Laws and Outlaws
An oddly named set as there were no real "Laws" included. Based upon the information that comes with the 1/72 1500 series "story Book" set we can identify the first three figures above as; Wild Bill Hickock, Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane none of whom were really lawmen (except perhaps at some point Hickcock). The other seven figures all portray outlaws from the old American west. The hanged man and man being dragged are two of the most unique plastic figures ever made. Some of the 1200 boxes have neither of these figures and it has been speculated that outraged mothers made Atlantic remove them. More likely it was just the usual lack of any quality control. The above pictures are of a 1/72 "HO" set but the 1/32 figures are the same. We have seen them in gray and brown.
This set only has 10 pieces in 1/32. One of the four figures is to be placed on top of a steer. The above scan shows the 1/72 figures which were the same as the 1/32 set, although each 1/72 sprue has three of the steer walking. We have seen this set in several shades of brown. The figures are bigger and are about 65mm in size.
Ranch Cowboys
An 11 pieces set was the last one (1215) in the Western figures series and is one of the most difficult to find in 1/32. The above pictures show the 1/72 set which has identical contents. Some of the steers may also be found in the Stampede set. We have only seen the 1/32 set in dark brown.
A nice plug together wagon of about 20 pieces. There are 7 accessories including; a barrel that hooks on, 2 sacks that plug on the tailgate,and a bucket, lantern, pickax, and shovel that hang on assorted hooks. The two figures are the same as included with the Gatling gun except smaller (closer to 54mm). In 1/32 we have seen this piece most often with the wagon bed and canvass top in a green with everything else in a dark brown.
The Apache Warriors
This set consists of five different mounted figures and two different foot figures as seen above. There are also five different ponies for the mounted figures (1/72 examples pictured above). We have seen these figures in dark brown and tans in boxed sets and dark red and orangy/tan in blister cards. Other colors may also have been used.
Apache Camp
The above pictures are of a sprue taken from a recast "HO" scale set. The 1/32 set has the same contents except there is only one teepee per set. We have seen the 1/32 set in a variety of browns and tans. Lots of great accessories like the skulls on the sticks.
The Toro Seduto blister card came as a surprises as first the figures were from an Apache set not the Sioux of "Sitting Bull" (Toro Seduto). The teepee was too big to fit and was not included.
Sioux Warriors
An 11 piece set with 3 foot and four mounted figures + 4 ponies. This set often has "Sitting Bull" in the title which is incorrect as he was a holy man not a warrior. This is a very difficult set to find in 1/32, and even Atlantic did not help by putting Apache Warriors in the last run of Sioux Warriors boxes.
Sioux Camp
This set has 12 pieces including a 2 piece wigwam and a series of very nicely done camp poses. This set has been made in a variety of tans and browns. The above photos are of a 1/72 set which is identical with the 1/32 one.
Sioux Buffalo Hunt
An intersting 10 piece set with; 5 Indians on 4 bases + a horse and 5 bison (American Buffalo). One of the Indians is to be positioned on the back of a Bison. This set was made in tans and browns for the boxed set, while the blister card figures were made in green. The blister card is usually missing a piece.