Holiday Tips from The Muddy Paw !!!
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  Dance of the Sugarplum Doggies

What to do?

What do you do if your puppy (or mischievous older dog) gets into your holiday decorations and eats some of the glass ornaments?  This potentially lethal mishap can darken even the brightest holiday season.

BEFORE the holiday go to a pharmacy & buy a box of cotton balls.  Be sure that you get COTTON balls...not the "cosmetic puffs" that are made from man-made fibers.  Also, buy a quart of half-and-half coffee cream and put it in the freezer.

Should your dog eat glass ornaments:

Dogs seem to really like these strange "treats" and eat them readily.  As the cotton works its way through the digestive tract it will find all the glass pieces and wrap itself around them.  Even the teeniest shards of glass will be caught and wrapped in the cotton fibers and the cotton will protect the intestines from damage by the glass.  Your dog's stools will
be really weird for a few days and you will have to be careful to check
for fresh blood or a tarry appearance to the stool.  If either of the
latter symptoms appear you should rush your dog to the vet for a
checkup but, in most cases, the dogs will be just fine.

copyright reserved to Sandy Brock.
Permission is hereby granted for any non-profit reproduction by any person or group.

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