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Last Updated

Word for Windows Tips, Registry Hacks, and Macros


Add Word's Work Menu (Word 97, Word 2000, & Word 1)

Adding Autoscroll Without a Wheelie Mouse (Word 97 & Word 2000)

Adding Random Text (Word 97 & Word 2000)

Finding How to Spell a Word (Word 1, 2, 6, & 97)

Repairing Word's Files and Registry Settings (Word 97 only)

Registry Hacks

Scroll Through Document While Dragging the Scrollbar (Word 97 only)

HTML Tables as a Percentage of the Browser's Page Width (Word 97 only)

Further Registry Edits (Word 97 & Word 2000)


Find Selected Text (Word 95, 97, & 2000. Should Work With Word 1, 2, 6)