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Rockbuster Neapolitan Mastiffs

A Brief History
of The Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff displays a graphic illustration of one of the most impressive and remarkable breeds that is in existence today. He is a large breed which can weigh over 150 pounds. A comparison to man or other creatures of a similar weight and one would see a body structure exemplifying extreme strength. A type that can perform its function better than any other creature or man made machine.  His body mass is volumous but not that of just fat. His muscular development would cause a game or herding dog to fail at its chores but for the Neapolitan Mastiff this is a trade off he assumed when he chose to be a guardian. His bones are not unlike the trunk of a century old oak tree; thick, Strong and necessary or they would surely splinter causing the massive structure they support to crash to the earth.

It is doubtful that there is any other breed of dog whose fundamental characteristics has remained as constant over the centuries as the Neapolitan Mastiff.  However the Neapolitan Mastiff of today shows marked improvements in body and overall squaring of the head, all due to selective breeding.   He has a captivating and almost intimidating stare, one that would make a foe turn and flee without even a growl.  He comes in a variety of colors: Gray (Blue), Black, tawny and mahogany.  The Blue is the most common and desired color because of his work as a guardian dog and his ability to blend into the night shadows.  He is a working dog originally bred and utilized as a guardian and defender of owner and property.  Although originally bred as a protection dog he has a steady temperament and is loyal, not outwardly aggressive or apt to bite without reason. Do not confuse our Neapolitan Mastiff with a fighting breed. If you are considering purchasing one with this thought in mind you will find him far too humble for he would rather spend his time by your side pleasing you. The Neapolitan Mastiff is certainly not a dog for everyone but you could not ask for a more faithful companion. 
(Reprint from a section of my new book "The Neapolitan Mastiff. a complete and reliable guide" being published by TFH publishing.  Authored by myself (Robert Gravel) and Gonnie Schaffer.)



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