7/21/00 Seekonk, MA SCCW
  • 1. Little 80's Derik Destiny with Kevin Castro and The Vertabreaker vs. Shawn Candido
  • 2. Suicidal Silva and The American Eagle Shane Simons(champions) vs. The Punisher Don Vega and Chris Blackheart(challengers)(SCCW Tag Team Title Match)
  • 3. Don Juan DeSanto vs. Extreme Excellence Alex Payne
  • 4. Dr. Heresy(champion) with Jonathan and Gabriel vs. Heavenly Johnny Angel(challenger)(SCCW Heavyweight Title Match)
  • 5. The Vertabreaker with Kevin Castro and Derik Destiny vs. The Worlds Youngest Professional Wrestler Kid Krazy
  • 6. Jonathan vs. The Dancing Devil Damian Houston
  • 7. Amanda Storm(champion) vs. Gabriel(challenger) vs. Mike Paiva(challenger)(Triple Threat Match)(SCCW Interstate Title Match)
  • 8. A Battle Royal featuring: Jonathan, Gabriel, Mike Paiva, Old School Derik Destiny, The Vertabreaker with Kevin Castro, The Dancing Devil Damian Houston, Amanda Storm, Heavenly Johnny Angel, Chris Blackheart, Shawn Candido, Don Juan DeSanto, and Kid Krazy(Winner gets a SCCW Heavyweight Title Shot at 8/11/00 SCCW Show)
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