6/11/00 New Bedford, MA SCCW
  • 1. Old School Derik Destiny with The Vertabreaker and Kevin Castro vs. The Dancing Devil Damian Houston
  • 2. The Vertabreaker with Derik Destiny and Kevin Castro vs. Tavian Rave
  • 3. Dumpy vs. The Portuguese Sun Dragon
  • 4. The Thunder from Down Under Mike Foster vs. Chris Blackheart
  • 5. Frankie Armadillo(champion) vs. The Highlight Kid(challenger)(SCCW Lightweight Title Match)
  • 6. A Battle Royal Rumble featuring: The Dancing Devil Damain Houston, The Vertabreaker with Kevin Castro, Derik Destiny, The Thunder from Down Under Mike Foster, Tavian Rave, Chris Blackheart, Gabriel, Frankie Armadillo, The Portuguese Sun Dragon, and The Highlight Kid
  • 7. Dr. Heresy with Kevin Castro vs. Brutus The Barber Beefcake
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