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4/30/99 Pawtucket, RI UCW
  • 1. The Vertabreaker(champion) with Draven and vs. Nick Nitro(challenger)(Cruiserweight Championship Match)
  • 2. Dangerous Beauties(Don Juan Dissanto and Derik Destiny) with Sandy Starr vs. Latin Fury(Burt Centeno and Danny Ramirez) with Superstar Butch Petrillo
  • 3. Thrash with Draven vs. Mr. Troubleman
  • 4. A Battle Royal featuring: The Vertabreaker, Thrash, Little Killer, Draven, Ivan Zangvine, Mad Dog Matt Storm, Derik Destiny, Don Juan Dissanto, Bulldog Blanski, and Rick Bennett
  • 5. Bulldog Blanski and T.J. Richter vs. Sick and Twisted(The Prince Ivan Zangvine and Mad Dog Matt Storm)
  • 6. Chief Foxx vs. Draven with Thrash vs. Strongman Gino Martino with Rick Bennett
  • 7. Ebony Blade(champion) with Templeton Peck vs. Dr. Hersey with Johnny Justus(UCW Heavyweight Championship Match)