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10/9/99 Newport, VT Mountain Madness 99 GMW
  • 1. The Phantom vs. The Extreme Adam Hastey
  • 2. Brutal Bob Evans with Collossus Scott Sharky vs. Alex Arion with Centerfold Steve Ramsey
  • 3. Irresistible Johnny Idol and Mike Steele vs. Aaron Morison and Mark Nugera The Jaguar with Nitemare Dan Hawk
  • 4. Delicious Dave Vicious(champion) with Master Sandy vs. The Highlight Kid(challenger)(Television Championship Match)
  • 5. The Golden Greek Alex Arion and Centerfold Steve Ramsey(champions) vs. Brutal Bob Evans and Collossus Scott Sharky(challengers)(Tag Team Championship Match)
  • 6. A #1 Contenders Battle Royal featuring: The Phantom, Mark Nugera The Jaguar, Delicious Dave Vicious with Master Sandy, Collossus Scott Sharky, Brutal Bob Evans, Irresistible Johnny Idol, Mike Steele, Aaron Morison, The Highlight Kid, The Extreme Adam Hastey, Centerfold Steve Ramey, and The Golden Greek Alex Arion
  • 7. Jaguar Mark Nugera(champion) vs. The Highlight Kid(challenger)(Lightweight Championship Match)
  • 8. The Triad(Delicious Dave Vicious(Television Champion), Burtal Bob Evans, and Collossus Scott Sharky) vs. Alex Arion(Tag Team Champion), Crusher Sonny Goodspeed, and Centerfold Steve Ramsey(Tag Team Champion)(6-man Tag Team Match)(Television Championship Match)(Tag Team Championship Match) Ron Zombie(champion) vs. Curtis Slamdawg(challenger)(Hells Kitchen Street Fight)