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Alesandra's Poem #1

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I am not to be yours permanently,
I fly on gossamer wings,
like fragile angels here for a short time....
How was it that we came to be,
you being you me being me?

Will be our cry, as our lives finally pass us by.
Yes, transgressions we did make,
but never for just evils sake!
No longer time to turn away,
yet not always knowing what to say

Time with friends is heaven sent!
Do not waste in raging vent.
Extend your hand out to your
"brother" father mother sister lover,
For it is you that may just buy...
The time that's needed to stop the cry
of Triumph over Tragedy!
(if only for a little while)!

© September 17, 2000 by Alesandra

You are Visitor Number

Since Sept 21, 2000


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