Van Der Graaf Generator

Music Hall, St-Petersburg, Russia
Tuesday October 25 2005

1. The Undercover Man
2. Scorched Earth
3. Every Bloody Emperor
4. Lemmings
5. (In The Black) Room
6. Nutter Alert
7. Darkness 11/11
8. Masks
9. Childlike Faith In Childhood's End
10. The Sleepwalkers
11. Man-Erg (encore)

Estrada Theatre, Moscow
Wednesday October 26th 2005

1. Darkness 11/11
2. The Undercover Man
3. The Scorched Earth
4. Every Bloody Emperor
5. Lemmings
6. Still Life
7. (In The Black) Room
8. Nutter Alert
9. Childlike Faith In Childhood's End
10. The Sleepwalkers
11. Man-Erg


12. Killer

Thanks to Alexey, Sergey and Mikayel.