PETER HAMMILL | 24,01,2003
from the world of the Eremiten

"is a long text..." An excusing Grinsen, pedantic distributing of the sheets on the note stand. Long texts, long songs, very meagerly instruments:

Peter Hammill is the far beyond point, at which one takes still consideration on such little things such as mass taste and brought hearing habits. The man, who along-invented Van of the Graaf generator, with its "K Group" wild plates dahinrotzte, which pleased also the Punk elite, worked with Peter Gabriel and Herbert Groenemeyer and completely generally as a verschrobenes Pop genius applies, this man plays only for himself and the last few hundreds faithful fans.

That is a misery in view of the enormous musical Potenzials of the Britisher, who accompanied itself in the factory times again at wings and guitar and bears only the shining violinist Stuart Gordon beside himself. A misery, if one x-ten to mark the grandiosen classical authors like "If I Could" and "Stranger experiences quiet" - intimately, greatly, to plumb but evenly not too secondly in their whole complexity.

From the Pop business Peter Hammill uncoupled himself completely, an often furious, still more frequently uncommonly tender, compromiseless Querrulant, which could be celebrated at the end of its 100-minute Ego Trips by the world of the Eremiten and however-let with standing Ovations. _______________

Anyone have time to correct some of this? _______________