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Articles Frank Magallanes Is Cited

Encyclopedia of Exotic Tropical Fishes for Freshwater Aquariums - TFH, 2005

In this Atlas, I wrote the information on piranhas cited in this book. My name is listed on page 13.

Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine - September 2004

Brian M. Scott - Top of The Food Chain; An Introduction to the Violet-line Piranha Serrasalmus geryi  

in PDF Format






Conservation and Management of Ornamental Fish Resources of the Rio Negro Basin, Amazonia, Brazil - Project Piaba - 2001

N. L. Chao; P. Petry; G. Prang, L. Sonneshien and M. Tlusty



The Sun Tribune - 1998

The National Geographic film crew came to Sutherlin Oregon to film Urban Piranhas for National Geographic Explorer special on people who keep piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer and the Sun Times Newspaper

Filming Urban Piranhas, a National Geographic Explorer Special - 1998

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.

National Geographic Explorer special Urban Piranhas.


Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

Winning in the courts (State of Oregon vs. Magallanes) broadcasted via KOBI-TV Channel 5 News - 1993

The News-Review Newspaper - 1993

This front page article was the catalyst that launched my career in legalizing piranhas in Oregon. The front page photo made the Associated Press (AP).

This front page article was the catalyst that launched my career in legalizing piranhas in Oregon. The front page photo made the Associated Press (AP)




The OPEFE web site and its contents; is disclaimed for purposes of Zoological Nomenclature in accordance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Fourth Edition, Article 8.3 and 8.4. No new names or nomenclature changes are available from statements at this web site.

Copyright© 1994-2016 Oregon Piranha Exotic Fish Exhibit (The OPEFE fish exhibit is permanently CLOSED as of 2000) Sutherlin, Oregon. Information posted on this web site is archival data on fish scientific classifications and other information. DISCLAIMER: The copyrighted material may not be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research. Cited information requires credit and this link All rights reserved. All images shown  (unless otherwise noted) is property of OPEFE. 


UPDATE: 12/04/2015