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Jose Alvarez Tejeda

To whom it may concern

I am Analyst-Programmer Sr. with 17 years of Experience developing in Mainframes, MidRange,LANĄ­s and WEB Environment using COBOL, PROGRESS (4GL), CLIPPER (Xbase), Html and other High level and 4G languages, Software Utilities and Telecommunications seeking a position as a Leader Project/Analyst Programmer Sr. for a Corporation which could use my Experience and Background and where I will Find a position what offer me the opportunity and challenge apply all the potential what I adquired through 17 years and where my problem solving skills are required applying innovative, efficient and state-of-the-art computer systems technologies .The Technical education in Computers area and background have provided me with an understanding of Systems area; which I believe, will be an asset for your Projects. Furthermore, Like you can see in my Reference Letters, I always developed myself like a dedicated, dependable and loyal employee.
My qualifications will make a valuable adquisition for any Systems area.Like reference of the Technical level adquired; I had 2 U.S. Firms Job Offers from "IBS" ( and "Global Resources" (Today: like COBOL Analist-Programmer Sr.Unfortunately; these Job Offers were not carried out because these Firms had a High Change in their Structure.If you wish check these Offers and my Reference Letters; Please Feel free for request to me a copy and I will send it as soon as possible.I really appreciatte some opportunity with your projects; because I am free of other Projects and Duties. I am willing to relocate anywhere in USA for the right opportunity. I look speaking with you in the near future.

Sincerely yours,

Jose Alvarez Tejeda
Analyst-Programmer Sr.
Consultant in Systems ORGWARE1