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_____ 1. I am often tense and anxious. _____ 2. I often experience tightness in my leg, back or neck muscles. _____ 3. I often have trouble getting to sleep and/or I seldom feel truly rested when I wake up. _____ 4. I can't keep work problems from my mind at night. _____ 5. I can't stop my nervous habits - e.g. biting my nails, chewing my cheeks, etc. _____ 6. I am becoming more susceptible to negative addictions such as smoking, overeating, drinking, using drugs or tranquilizers. _____ 7. Following an intense effort to meet a deadline or after handling a crisis, it takes me more than a day to recover my stamina and alertness. _____ 8. I often feel worn out during working hours. _____ 9. I often work more than 50 hours per week. _____ 10. I often bring work home on evenings and weekends. _____ 11. I seldom have time to work on my really important tasks such as planning, evaluation, and training. _____ 12. When I try to relax, I feel guilty about important work that i have not finished. _____ 13. I seldom control how my time is used. _____ 14. My time is controlled by crises and outside parties such as bureaucrats, parents, teachers and children. _____ 15. No one understands what I do. _____ 16. Many people understand little parts of my work, but no one has the complete picture. _____ 17. Few people truly appreciate my work. _____ 18. I feel isolated. _____ 19. I have no one to let off steam with or no one's shoulder to cry on. _____ 20. I am supposed to have all of the answers to problems. _____ 21. I often have no one to turn to for advice in dealing with especially difficult problems. _____ 22. I rarely get feedback on the effectiveness of my efforts. _____ 23. I do not feel respected as a professional in my community. _____ 24. My job consumes my life. _____ 25. I rarely have time to pursue other activities, interests, or hobbies. _____ 26. I spend most of my time on parts of my job that I do not enjoy. _____ 27. I do not keep up to date on current and future trends in my field. _____ 28. I am not sure what my long term goals in life are. _____ 29. My current work is not moving me any closer to the accomplishment of my long term goals. _____ 30. My best skills and talents are not being fully utilized or tested in my current work. _____ 31. My job is not the spice of my life. _____ 32. I am no longer challenged or excited by my job. _____ 33. I seem to be in a dead end career. There are few positions that I can advance to. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Score: Add up the Number of Yes answers _____ If you scored six or less - You are clearly a THRIVER. If you scored between six and fourteen, you are probably a MARGINAL THRIVER - You need to make some moderate adjustments in your lifestyle. If you scored fifteen or more, you are clearly a NON-THRIVER - You probably won't survive in your current position without adjusting your lifestyle. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

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