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Mike's farm web site

I have worked at agri-newspapers since 1977

Our friends mean the WORLD to us!

Thank you for visiting today.

For more information on agriculture, or other subjects, read the farm web sites and personal fav connections below!

This site has been updated spring 2001

Enjoy the links below!

I hope you enjoy the new look!

The newest links, added include the first and the last one.

E-mail me if anything doesn't work.

The first link is very timely..."ESPN"'s great coverage of the 2001 baseball season, featuring a taller strike zone.

The links are all special, but that is a fav!!!

The new third link is a brand new web site for my church...please visit!

Comments are welcome.

Thanks for all the basketball e-mails.

Tell me why Vancouver is getting shafted by the NBA?

LAST (BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST) is a new link to the very best, longest, and most comprehensive list of web search tools I have ever found. You owe it to yourself to visit that "Handy Dandy Web Tools" site.

Many good farm links are here. E-mail suggestions as better ones come on the scene.

The relatively new section, where visitors could add links themselves (and the built-in counter for how many times those links were used), has been removed from this web site. I might create a seperate web site exclusively for you visitors to exchange links, but I got busy as webmaster for my church (3rd link) and put that idea on the shelf.

Enjoy the links, and have a great day!

There was a world survey done with this question

"Please, what's your opinion on the lack of food in the rest of the world?"

The result was a failure!!


1 - In Africa no one knew what was "food";

2 - In Western Europe no one knew what was "Lack";

3 - In Eastern Europe no one knew what was "opinion";

4 - In Argentina no one knew what was "Please";

5 - In the United States of America no one knew what was "rest of the world".

HOT links...Some personal favs., etc. ... great agri-links!

1) Hot Spring Training News Site
3) New web site for my church
4) Rural routes
5) Canadian news site
6) Ask Jeeves...really, ask him!!!
7) My brother's web site
9) My daily news
10) Joke fest
11) Fat city
12) Cyber Hymnal
13) Dr Laura
14) Baseball links for sports fanatics ( me)
15) Farm sites web ring
16) Consumer world
17) Worldwide farm sites link page
18) Hot 100 Web Sites
19) web ring
20) Entertainment Links
21) Canada's Outdoor Farm Show
22) another farm site
23)My new personal web site
24)Canadian's ag links
25)Handy Dandy Web Tools
