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Harmless Teen Graffiti or Satanism

First of all, there is no such thing as harmless graffiti, unless it is done by an individual on the individual's own private property and it does not offend a member of the general public.

All graffiti considered harmless or satanic that is seen by the public is an offense to the public. Are there signs in your community that you don't understand but believe to be signs of a gang or cult.

Our research has uncovered over a dozen types of "written" symbols or languages that may be considered "satanic" and used by gangs or satanic cults.

A copy of the languages is available to such organizations as police departments, judicial courts, schools, universities, city councils and other similar organizations or agencies. In addition, to the languages, additional information will be provided that describe such things as the difference between magic and magick.

To request a copy, the following information must be provided before a copy is sent.

1) Send us an e-mail message that a "written" request is being forwarded to us on your letterhead.

2) Send us a written request on a "formal" letterhead from the agency or organization making the request with an explanation why the information is wanted - no exceptions.

3) Enclose a processing fee of $20 drawn on your organization's or agency's checking account (no money order).

The above three steps must be completed before any information will be provided. A verification process will be completed before the information is sent. It is not our intention to provide individuals or students with information that they can use for their "ritual" communication. We will not process nor acknowledge requests from organizations known to practice racial and other discriminatory policies. NOTE:

One point that will be explained within the information provided is that there are a number of individuals that use symbols for good luck in addition to those individuals that use them to represent themselves on negatively on walls.

Additional information, of course, will be provided

Make your agency or organization check payable to TCA2 (pronounced TCA square) and mail to The National Teen Courts of America & Teen Clubs of America, Inc or "simply" TCA2 or TCA2 (if you can't type the small 2), c/o P. O. Box 17513, San Antonio, Texas 78217-0513.

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