James Smith Law Firm
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James Smith Law Firm

Areas of Practice

The James Smith Law Firm is a full service law firm which is large enough to handle most cases which are brought to it by clients whose problems cover a broad spectrum of legal issues, yet small enough to deal with clients on a personal basis. You are not just another client to us.

This Page has been established for the purpose of promoting communication between the firm and its clients, prospective clients and lawyers. Please feel free to use the email to send questions, seek legal advice or just to comment on whatever may be on your mind.


951 Government Street

Suite 823

Mobile, Alabama 36604

Telephone: (334) 433-0999

FAX: (334) 433-6050

Email: (See bottom of page and click on the email address to send me an email now)

Links are provided to give you more information about the specific topics indicated.

ALABAMA STATE BAR RULES REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING: No representation is made that the quality of legal services provided by this attorney is any greater than that provided by other attorneys.

Some of the links which I have included on specific areas of practice are still under construction. I will be adding information and reference sources and materials to the home page on a regular basis. Please come back often.

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Blood Alcohol Level Calculator
Family Law
Personal Injury
Criminal Law
DUI Defense Page
General Practice

Email: jimsmith111@webtv.net