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Discipline Made Easy

Having cared for children for over 31 years, we have found that one of the most difficult problems to arise is how to handle the discipline problem. We needed to find a concept that would offer a consistent, rational environment that was designed to give the child continuous feedback regarding her functioning and relationships with peers, and still provide social and material rewards for improved progress. Therefore, with the help of our local school district and their psychologist, we have found the Token Economy System.

A Token Economy System is a system that encompasses various contingency management procedures to curb disruptive social behaviours. Token Economy has been very effective in decreasing inappropriate social behaviors and increasing not only appropriate social, but also, academic behaviors.

In our home, we perceive inappropriate behavior as disrespect for others, behavior attitudes, and refusal to follow directions. When an inappropriate behavior or a disobedience of home rules is observed and noted, a check is registered and the totals are calculated at the end of the week. Each check results in a loss of points. Everyone begins the week with enough points to enjoy all privileges. These points, when totaled up at the end of the week, cause the child to lose privileges whose points equal the amount lost.

There are certain "work off" options to gain Bonus Points which may be given at our discretion to off set the checks. These bonus points are given for extra consideration shown to others in the home, such as offering to help another girl with certain chores, or even with her homework. This also works hand in hand with the school. Should a child receive a "referral slip" regarding some behavior at the school or is placed on an in-house suspension, then that would enable the child to recieve a check that would go along with discipline that she received at school.

It should be remembered that as we do take teenage girls, the expectations and rewards will be quite different for younger children. All in all, we have found this to be the best way of dealing with the problem of discipline and relieving the staff of an emotional upheaval between them and the child.


With a new environment and unfamiliar ways of doing things, we have 60 days when the new girls are in the Receiving Portion of their intake. At this time the girls are made familiar with the home rules, school environment, counseling, and acquainting themselves with the other girls and staff at their new home. The first Sunday after the Receiving Portion, the point system will reflect their bahavior. We assume most behavior is learned, both desirable and undesirable. Girls who have learned inappropriate ways of coping with their problems can also learn to substitue more desirable behaviors. The Token Economy System will help them keep track of their progress and privileges they will keep for the next week.

Indian Trails
W. 4204 Osage Way
Spokane, WA. 99208

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(509) 1-800-678-1363 Ext. 8938 Emergency Pager
Email: Indian Trails

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