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Sled dogs! standing around
pretty face Goofy Girl!
Here are the most recent pictures of Aurinha. She is really developing into a lovely girl! She has a nice strong front, a great top line, and such a sweet face! I'm told that she has a wonderful personality and a nice, stable temperament too!

Playing with Raven 14 weeks 14 weeks 14 weeks
Boy she sure is growing and getting prettier as the time goes by! Eric tells us that she's doing great and is turning out to be his best buddy!

The family
Here is Aurinha with several of Eric's siblings - from the left - Cody (the photographer!), Jesse, Mckenze, and Casey. As you can see, Auri never wants for attention in THIS household!! She's got her paws full just keeping up with this loving family!

Car Ride Home 3 months 3 months
Here is Aurinha on the ride home from the airport and being silly in her new home!

Aurinha Aurinha
Here is Aurinha at almost 10 weeks of age. Eric chose the name Aurinha because he found that it "contains within it . . . intensely contrasting feelings toward people, either you are fiercely loyal or extremely intolerant. There is rarely a happy medium in your feelings." Pretty cool, eh?!?! :)

Female 5 Female 5
Here she is at 9 weeks of age. You can see that she is growing into a lovely little girl!

Female 5 Female 5 Female 5
Here is Female #5 at 8 weeks of age. She was again happy to sit back and watch all the action from the sidelines when we brought her inside. The only time she did get out there and really push her weight around was when we brought out the FOOD! Then she was all OVER the place! She's working on a portion of ox tail in these pictures! Those markings on her rear end are shaved spots that I did so that I could tell the puppies apart! There was so much consistency in this litter that it was nearly impossible for me to tell who was who! I didn't want to use collars for them at a young age because I was afraid that one might become snagged on something and get hurt.

Female 5 Female 5 Female 5
Here is Female #5 at 7 weeks of age. She was more interested in sleeping than anything else! I had to literally shake her awake to get her photo! Poor kid was busy playing with her littermates earlier in the morning and wore herself out!

Female 5
Here is Female #5 at 6 weeks of age. She has a nice front, supple skin, and displays curiousity about her surroundings!

Female 5 Female 5
Here she is at 33 days of age.

Female 5 Face Female 5 Side
Here she is at 16 days of age.

*Aurinha is now happily living with Eric and his family of NY!*