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Frog Holler's Never A Dull Moment

11 months 11 months 11 months 11 months
The latest of Fiel at 11 months of age. He is obviously a total clown, but also VERY handsome!!! In that snow picture, I can't believe JUST HOW MUCH he looks like his Mom, Ashley!!! Thanks for sending them to us, Amy!

8 months 8 months
Here is Fiel at 8 months of age. Hard to believe that he is the same small puppy that lived here not TOO long ago!

3 months 3 months 3 months Fiel & Molly Fiel & Molly
At 3 months and 37 pounds, you can see that Fiel is growing like a weed. He is solid muscle though and in excellent shape for a little kid! Amy tells me that he is a very well-behaved puppy, which is not too surprising with his Mom being Ashley. His friend Molly is going to be overwhelmed pretty soon as Fiel continues to grow and hone his wrestling skills!!!

9 weeks 9 weeks 9 weeks 9 weeks with his Mom, Amy
Here are the latest pictures of Fiel in his new home!! You can see that he is spoiled and thoroughly enjoying himself!! He's met lots of new people and done many new things so far! What a cutie, huh?!

6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks
6 weeks of age is a good age for this guy! He is extremely interactive and focused on us and has an outgoing, curious personality. He is very adorable and sweet too!

5 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks
At 5 weeks of age this puppy is walking, talking, and showing his attitude! On his first day in the kitchen for socializing he reacted boldly and was very playful!! It was hard to get good pictures of him and his brother once I sat down because they were both in my lap before I could even get comfortable!

19 days old 19 days old
His eyes are open and his ears are just now beginning to work. This little guy is hauling all over the whelping box now at 19 days of age!

5 days old 5 days old 5 days old
Here he is at 5 days of age!

1 day of age
This was Ashley and Kodiak's first born puppy, a fawn male with a black mask. He is one day old in this photo!

*This little character is now living with Amy Jensen and her family in Minnesota!*