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Mr. Biggles
Frog Holler's GQ Gigolo

Merry Christmas!!
Here is Mr. Biggles with his family around Christmas time in 2003. What a happy bunch, don't you think?!?!

Snow!! Snow!! Snow!!
Here are a few pictures of Mr. B having a blast in the snow! Like our dogs, he enjoyed running around in this year's heavy snow fall!!

Trick or Treat! You MUST be kidding!
Here are a couple of pictures of Mr. B in his Halloween costume - Count Biggula!

Here kitty, kitty! Brrr - Fall is in the air!
The family has a new kitty and Biggles lets it play with his tail which is too cute! With the change of seasons, Biggles is starting to wear his cool-weather outfits these days!!!

Mr. Biggles Mr. Biggles
Mr. Biggles at the age of 3.5 years. He is STILL looking great! I'm told that he's doing well and is a happy camper! Man! Check out that THICK chest!!!

Mr. Biggles Mr. Biggles Mr. Biggles
Here are the latest (12/01) from the Duncan family of Mr. Biggles!! He is looking great! Hopefully, now that Keith has a digital camera we can update this page more than . . . well, NEVER! :)

Christmas Biggles!
I don't think that he liked being dressed up for Christmas! He looks kind of irritated, don't you think?!?!?! :)

Mr. Biggles Standing
Here is Mr B at 6.5 months of age. He is mostly growing up at this time and doing very little filling out! That's OK, for a while there I thought that he was going to look more like a Basset hound than a FILA!!

Mr. Biggles Standing Mr. Biggles on his bed Mr. Biggles' Profile
Here is Mr. Biggles at about 4 months of age. The pictures aren't great, but they're just going to have to do! You can kind of see how correct his legs are in the first picture, his great expression in the middle picture, and his skull shape, earset, and ear length in the last picture. Overall, I am pleased with the way that he is maturing. He is smaller than his siblings at this point, but he has LOTS of time to catch up. He is a nicely balanced puppy that carries himself well, and OH BOY! is he confident!!!! He acts like he owns the place, just like his Daddy!

Mr. Biggles Crashed Out!
After being mowed down by the other dogs, Mr. Biggles is caught here taking a time-out!! This position seems to run in the family! Hawk lays like this all the time too!

Mr. Biggles @ 15 days Mr. Biggles @ 15 days
Here he is at 15 days of age.

Mr. Biggles @ 9 days old Mr. Biggles @ 9 days old
Here is Mr. Biggles when he was 9 days old. He was NOT happy about being woke up from his nap!

Mr. Biggles @ 8 days old
What a beautiful puppy. He already is showing some Fila characteristics that he got from his father, Brett. With his low set ears and nice loose skin, I think he's gonna be a beaut!!

*Mr. Biggles is owned and loved by the Duncan family of WA.*