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IABCA Int'l Ch., IABCA Nat'l Ch., Southland Farm Kodiak Frog Holler, PennHIP .47/.50

Kodiak & Ashley
Here is Kodiak (foreground) at the age of 21 months, and Ashley at 6 years. You can really see the quality of this fine young dog!

Congratulations to Kodiak for his awesome turn out at the IABCA show in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 20 - 21, 2002!!! He not only earned his International Championship, but he took Best Of Breed twice, AND Reserve Best In Show Rare Breed!!! The judges really liked him and gave him some very nice comments (see bottom of his page). He was very well behaved and calm in the ring and showed the judges his great attitude. Outside the ring, he was a tad crabby with spectators, but with the heat that was understandable! Kodiak went on to earn his IABCA National Championship in Oregon on May 11 - 12, 2002. He received 3 MORE Best Of Breed medallions at that show! Again, the judges really seemed to admire this fine young dog!

Kodiak @ 16 months Kodiak @ 17 months Kodiak @ 17 months
The photo on the left is Kodiak at 16 months and the two on the right were taken when he was 17 months. You can see he is beginning to fill out and look mature, and he has a very pretty head. We are excited about beginning his show career soon!

Kodiak 10 months Kodiak 10 months Kodiak 10 months
Here is Kodiak at the age of 10 months. He is a lean, strong, sound young dog. You can see that he has not lost his great top line nor his nice proportion! We are pleased to have received Kodiak's PennHIP results back. He was evaluated as .47/.50, with no signs of DJD or other findings!! He ranked in the 70th percentile for the Fila breed! :)

@ 6.5 months
Here is a quick candid shot of Kodiak at 6.5 months of age. You can see that he has great proportion and a fantastic topline! He moves really nice for a young male too! We are excited about his upcoming show career that will begin early in the year 2002!!

@ 5 months @ 5 months @ 5 months
Here is Kodiak at the age of 5 months. He is turning out to be a fantastic looking little guy!! His muzzle has lengthened and his legs are longer. He still has that great loose skin and earset! We can't wait to see how he turns out!

@ 9 weeks old @ 9 weeks old @ 9 weeks old
This is our newest little guy, Kodiak, the day after we got him from Minida Dowdy of Southland Farms in GA. We absolutely love his bone and substance, not to mention that his mother, Southland's Hellion of Lost Lake (Copper) is OFA Excellent/Normal!!!! His daddy is Carioca's LeCrau, better known as Crow. Crow is OFA 'Good' for hips, OFA 'Normal' for elbows, has been CAFIB approved, TT'd and has also done VERY well in the showring. We are hoping that this little boy will be following in his Daddy's pawprints in the ring, and will inherit the awesome soundness of his Mom! Thanks Minida for allowing us to co-own this kick-ass little guy with you! :)

Judges' Comments About Kodiak