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Frog Holler's Kamikaze

Beggin! More beggin' With Bear What a cutie!
Here are the latest of Stunner - he is about 8 months old in these photos. Amazing how fast these puppies grow, even when we are trying to grow them slowly!! Thanks for the up-dates, Wayne!

Nappy time! Lookin' for Goodies With his pal, Wayne With his sweetheart, Sydney
Some pictures from Wayne of Stunner with his family! Isn't he looking good?!?! :)

@ 6 weeks of age
Here is Stunner at 6 weeks of age. He was such a little tank!

@ 48 hours old
Here's little Stunner when he was 48 hours old. You can see that he is a really dark puppy, but that will change some as he gets older and loses some of his puppy guard hairs.

*Stunner is now living with the Wanless family of Maryland, where he has taken on the job of torturing their first Fila, Bear.*