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Frog Holler's Jasmine
(PennHIP .44/.48)

Goof Head
Elwha at 16 months of age. She hates having the camera pointed at her (it DOES make funny noises and beeps before the photo is taken!) so she is always either looking at me smiling or she is walking out of the scene. Little TURD!

Sit 1 year
This little dog is SO hard to photograph! She rarely stops moving, and she is SO dark that she blends into the background and you lose her definition! And, LORDY! When she hears a strange noise, she can literally PULL those ears of hers up on the top of her head to where she looks like a complete moron! Someday, I'll get someone to help me and I'll stack her so ya'll can see a GOOD picture of her!

8 months 8 months 8 months
She is finally starting to grow, but she is still a lanky little thing! Height-wise she is almost the height of our shortest adult dog, but substance-wise, she is still a twig!!! She's young and has plenty of time to fill out so we're not concerned about it. Temperament-wise she is a nasty little thing, but her confidence level still needs some work! She reminds me a lot of her mother when SHE was this age!

18 weeks
Here is our girl at 4.5 months of age. She is turning out to be such a great little Fila! Her ojeriza is starting to really kick in and she is very well behaved (just like her Mom, Ashley!). We are really pleased with her development, although she is a bit on the small side right now. That's OK because she is very correct conformationally and proportionately!

Front Head Profile Left Side Right Side
She is being very cooperative for a 14 week old puppy, don't you think? She let me stack her and mess with her feet quite well considering all she really wanted was to crawl up into my lap! So far, we are very pleased with her conformation and structure, and hope that she continues to develop the way she has so far!!!

@ 12 weeks @ 12 weeks
Here is our girl at 12 weeks of age. What a character!!! She is a total sweet-heart with us and a total butt-kicker with all the big dogs!

@ 6 weeks
We are keeping this puppy with high hopes that she will be a great addition to our kennel. So far, we are really pleased with the way she is maturing!

@ 1.5 weeks
This is Jasmine at 1.5 weeks of age. She is turning out to be quite a firecracker!

*Elwha is now being spoiled ROTTEN by Nate and Jennie and their Fila, Ukiah, of WA*