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Frog Holler's Frazer Ille Fidelis, PennHIP .31, .31
(Frazer the Faithful)

Felix & his Kids Felix
CONGRATULATIONS to Christy for Felix's OUTSTANDING PennHIP results!!!! He scored an unbelievable .31/.31 at 15 months of age!! His report claims him to be tighter than 100% of the 49 Filas done up to this point. Woo-hoo!!! :)

Felix & Alyx Felix
Felix is getting big and strong as you can see in these pictures taken when he was 10 months old. He loves his kids - here he demonstrates this with Alyx!

Here is Felix at 6 months with his bud, Jeffrey.

This is what happens when a Fila pup plays too hard!! Time to take a nap!

Here is Felix lickin' his chops at the thought of his dinner!

Felix @ 10 weeks old
The last day that Felix was here at Frog Holler. He just got his bath and was sleeping in the kitchen waiting for his plane to depart in several hours. This is the hard part for us - letting them leave when they are so DAMN cute and loving!

Felix7w Felix7w2
Here he is at the age of 7 weeks. What a cutie, huh?!!!

Here is Felix at 19 days of age.

*Felix lives with the Vandevilles of MI.*