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Elmo the Watchful
Elmo has found a new stump to stand on to watch over his domain! This is a striking picture of him as he looks very alert and noble!

Elmo in the Snow
The boy is not sure WHAT to make of all of this white powdery stuff!! Washington got quite a bit of snow this year, and I know if Elmo is anything like our dogs, he had a BLAST running around in it, but was eager to get back inside where it was WARM!!

Christmas Elmo
Here's Elmo showing his yearly Christmas spirit!!

In the Snow Elmo & Dad Playing!
Here are some photos of Elmo out in a rare March snow storm. Washington isn't known for getting snow like this. Ironically, these were taken on the first day of Spring!! You can see that Elmo and Flora don't mind at all - Filas seem to enjoy playing in the snow!

On the sofa BUSTED!
Jan caught Elmo on the sofa the other day - I'm not sure he looks worried about being caught, or if he looks bothered that his nap was interrupted!!!

The Reindeer Triplets
Elmo and his friends, Lily (center) and Flora(left), want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas so they tolerated their Mommy, Jan, taking photos of them at their most embarrassing moment! They ARE awfully CUTE though!!!

Elmo in his Tree
Here is Elmo down by the gate sitting in his tree just WAITING for someone to approach! He has picked his perch well, don't you think? He blends in completely and is nearly eye-level. Puts the hair up on MY neck, but then I've agitated him and I know that his temperament is 100% Fila! YIKES!

Elmo @ 3 years
Here is Elmo at almost 3 years of age. He sure has turned out to be a handsome, regal looking dog! Conformationally, he is a very well structured boy, and I know that his personality keeps Jan and Keith in stitches most of the time!

Elmo @ 2 years Blue & Elmo
Here is Elmo at 2 years of age. It is interesting to compare his puppy pictures along side his buddy Blue with this one, isn't it? Boy he sure did grow up fast!!

Elmo's Girls - Lily & Flora
Here are Elmo's Fila friends, Lily and Flora. Poor Lily is just barely tolerating Flora in this photo! Congratulations to Jan and Keith on the addition of little Flora to their home!

Handsome Elmo!

Here is Elmo when he was about 16 months old. Isn't he the one of the most noble looking dogs you've ever seen?! He is now being terrorized (and is absolutely thrilled!) by a new Fila, Lily. Congrats to Jan and Keith on the addition of Corista do Verdade, aka: Lily. She is a beautiful girl! Keep checking back here to see some pictures of her and Elmo.



Elmo at 10 weeks of age [top left]. Blue (Chessie), Elmo (@ 13 weeks) and Sam (Springer Spaniel) [top right], and [on the bottom],Elmo at 5.5 months of age playing in the yard, and in 'his' truck. He is owned by Jan Kropp and Keith Kusler of WA. Yea! to Jan and Keith, who successfully showed Elmo to his orange card on July 24 (with the highest rating a pup can get - SG-1) even though this little guy was showing his strong Fila temperament by not taking kindly to strangers looking at him. All of your efforts socializing him are certainly doing something! Good job you guys!

*Elmo is loved and owned by Keith and Jan Kusler of WA state*