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The BEST friend, companion, and protector I've ever had the pleasure of being owned by!! I miss you ol' girl. xoxoxo

IABCA International Champion, IABCA National Champion, FBCA Champion, IRBDC Champion, TT excellent (FBA & WCWFA), OFA Good/Normal, PennHIP .39/.35.

Still gorgeous Best friends Rest now, girl
January 21, 2009 - - the day before Ashley passed away.
We knew she was dying and we let her go peacefully, here at home surrounded by her loved ones. As sad as we were, we knew we were the luckist people on earth to have had almost 13 years with this incredible companion. She was strong and healthy up until about 24 hours before she died - we were able to hold her and tell her good-bye as her soul trotted off to the rainbow bridge. We will never know another dog like her.

I LOVE my kids!
December 2008. Ashley loves her kids almost as much as she loves me! She's still going strong at 12.5 years of age - remarkable for a Fila!!!

11th birthday 11 years old
Here we are humiliating Ashley on her 11th birthday!

9.5 years old
Ashley adores her little buddy, Holden! She's now 9.5 years of age and still doesn't act a day over 3. She has remained athletic, sound, and extremely active!

Almost 7 years old Almost 7 years old
Here is Ashley just 2 months from her 7th birthday - she still looks GREAT!!!! I credit her excellent condition to the raw diet! We took her camping with us and as always, she LOVES it!


Ashley is a very sound girl, with beautiful movement, a lovely head, and a stable yet very protective temperament.  At 18 months of age she was evaluated by PennHIP with .35 and .39 hip scores. At this time the average for the Fila was .60 (12/98), and Ashley's hips were tighter than 80% of the 32 Filas so far evaluated!  At 31 months of age she was evaluated by OFA for hips and elbows. She received a 'Good' for her hips and a 'Normal' for her elbows!
She was born on May 21, 1996, weighs a HEALTHY (not fat!) 127 pounds, and is 27.5  inches at the shoulder. So far to date, she has been placed Best of Breed 9 times and Best of Opposite Sex once!  At the FBA show in Duncanville, TX on the weekend of October 24 & 25, 1998, Ashley was given 19 Excellent remarks (out of 19 possible!) from Puerto Rican judge, Rafael de Santiago, and 17 Excellent remarks (the other two remarks were Very Good) from Peruvian judge, Ermanno Maniero. Ashley ended the 1998 show season as the 3rd most pointed Fila with the FBCA! We are SO proud of her!! We are planning on campaigning her lightly in the Veteran class sometime after May of 2002.
She whelped her first litter on May 22, 1999 (one day after her 3rd birthday!). She had three handsome boys (Hawk, Thor, and Mr. Biggles) and a beautiful girl (Bonnie)!
Her second litter was born on November 28, 2000. This time she pleasantly surprised us with 3 boys (Monty, Judge, and Jalapeno) and 4 girls (Jaguar, Jazzy, Joya, and Justine)!
Her third litter was born on May 20, 2002 (Yup, the day BEFORE her 6th birthday - what is it with this dog and her birthday?!?!). 2 lovely fawn boys, Doc and Fiel, easily entered the world with seemingly little effort on her part!

Captain Ashley
Not only is Ashley a great guard and companion, but she is also a volunteer FireFighter!! Not really, Lance and I were just dressing her up in gear from his work! Isn't she CUTE?!?! She actually LOVES to be dressed up because it means that she is getting ALL the attention! :)

Even at 11 months of age, you can see how truly correct this fine young bitch is.

At 13.5 months of age at a Temperament Test where she received an Excellent!

Don't mess with my MOMMY! fired-up!
Here she is @ 4.5 years of age getting rank with our good friend, Sean Gephart, who played 'bad guy' for us while his poor girlfriend, Carey, took photos! These are some BRAVE people if you ask me!!!

At 2.5 years being the cutie that she is, in our livingroom.

Judges' Comments about Ashley