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IABCA International Champion, IABCA National Champion, PennHIP .43/.50 (at two years), PennHIP .37/.40 (at three years) and OFA hips and elbows.

Congratulations to Dan Wildhaber and his Frog Holler girl,

IABCA International Ch., IABCA National Ch. Angie,

who passed her OFA for hips and elbows and was evalutated with a .43/.50 with PennHIP! Upon resubmittal to PennHIP one year later, it is interesting to note that Ang was evaluated with a .37/.40. She was just going out of heat when she was first tested and Dan thought that having her re-done might prove to be well worth the money. I'd say he was right!

AngieTub AngieMo
At approximately one year of age in the tub, and outside on her puppy-hood friend's grave marker, Mo the Fila.

Here she is at 2 years of age at a dogshow taking Best Of Breed Adult.

*Angie is owned by Dan Wildhaber of WA.*