Introductions to classical music Click on title for description
- Classical Music
- Smithmark Pub - R Ainsley, Ed.
- Classical Music:A Concise History
- from Gluck to Beethoven
- Classical Music: A New Way of Listening
- by Alexander Waugh
- Classical Music:An informal Guide
- by Richard Carlin
- An Introduction to Classical Music Through the
- Great Composers and Their Masterworks
- 50 Greatest Composers and Their
- 1,000 Greatest Works - by Phil G. Goulding
- The Era of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven
- Norton Introduction to Music
- Classical Music and Postmodern Knowledge
- by Lawrence Kramer
- Classical Music for Beginners
- A documentary Comic Book - Lynch
- Classical Music for Dummies
- by Classics for Dummies
- 1st ED- Classical Music For Dummies
- by David Pogue and Scott Speck
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