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WHEN will my child walk on his/her own? That is the question that many parents long to know. Unfortunately, there's no way to predict for sure. There are many factors that influence the timing, such as: when each parent walked alone, whether the child is chubby or thin (thinner babies tend to walk sooner), and when his/her muscles are strong enough to support his/her own weight. Most children start walking on their own anywhere from 9 to 18 months!

ALTHOUGH you may have dreamy visions of your child walking in his/her new outfit at his/her first birthday party, your child will walk only when (s)he is ready. Playful encouragement can add incentive to keep trying, but forcing the issue can actually delay walking by killing confidence and motivation.

YOUR CHILD has been developing in a pattern, and as long as the pattern continues timing isn't anything to worry about. At around 2-3 months, baby started to raise him/herself up while lying on his/her stomach. Around 3-4 months, baby started sitting supported. Then at 4-5 months, baby started rolling over. By 5-6 months, baby starts sitting up unsupported. At 7-8 months, baby starts to crawl. Around 9 months, baby stands up while holding on to something. These are average ages, but timing can vary tremendously.

SOME DOCTORS think that muscle development is a large factor in how soon a child can walk. Those babies who regularly get exercise of the leg muscles seem to walk earlier than those who are always in strollers or playpens. So here we provide you with fun and stimulating activities to help build baby's leg muscles!

PUSH AWAY! Provide lots of push toys for your child to walk holding on to, such as a wagon or toy grocery cart. Be sure it is sturdy, and not something that can easily tip over!

RAISE INTEREST! Keep stimulating toys and objects on a low table to encourage baby to pull up and stand at the table!

CHASE! Using string toys, or any toys, get baby's interest by pulling the toy as (s)he chases after it (crawling). Do let baby catch the toy after a short time of chasing it!

OBSTACLE COURSE! Provide lots of pillows and things for your child to climb all over!

THOUGH BARE FEET are best for the developing foot muscles of your child, when (s)he starts walking, (s)he'll need shoes for outdoors. Here are some tips for buying just the right shoes for your little one!

* Buy shoes late in the day because feet swell as the day goes on!

* Don't forget to bring the child's socks to try on with the shoes!

* Measure both feet and buy shoes for the larger foot!

* Choose shoes that are flexible, breathable, non-skid, and shock-absorbant!

* Don't buy very large shoes for a child to grow into-- its likely to cause trips and falls!

* Never use hand-me-down shoes. Shoes mold to the shape of the owner's foot.


+ Have the child stand up in the shoes to check the fit!

+ You should be able to fit a finger press between your child's longest toe and the tip of the shoe!

+ Be sure the pinky toe doesn't bulge out the side!

+ You should be able to fit a finger between your child's heel and the back of the shoe!

+ Pinch the front sides of the shoe-- the shoe should give a little if it is not too narrow for your child's foot!

+ Trace your child's foot (while standing) on a piece of paper. Then cover the drawing with the shoe and trace it. There should be plenty of room between the foot and the outline of the shoe!

CHILDREN'S FEET grow very fast, especially from birth to age three. You should check the fit of your child's shoes every month. Its time for new shoes if: the largest toe touches the tip of the shoe; the shoes are difficult to put on; when you remove the shoes, your child's feet have red marks on them.

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