Boost Language Development!
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Boost Language Development!

At 12-18 months, your child begns to talk in a language you recognize. By 18 months, your child may be saying hundreds of words. Between 18 and 24 months, she will start combining words. Between 2 and 3 years, she will speak up to 1,000 words or more and use both pronouns and full sentences! This whole language explosion occurs in just a few years' time!

There are many ways to help your child's language development along--and these activities bring you and your child closer all the while!

+ Talking WITH your child: Always listen to your child's attempts at talking and respond to him. When talking to your child, encourage him to talk back to you. Ask questions that your child can respond to. (Do you want the banana cookie or the apple cookie?) Always make eye contact and address your child by name when speaking to him.

+ Everyday learning: Explain how and why things are (We put these dishes in the dishwasher so it will get them all clean.) , using lots of cause and effects. Talk about things that you and your child are doing (Justin is painting with his fingers. Paint feels gooey on Justin's hands.) Talk about your five senses. (That candle smells good. This pillow is soft.)

+ Helping baby learn: Continue using grownup talk so that your baby will learn more, but be sure to explain anything he doesn't yet know. When your child makes a mistake, repeat it correctly. She'll pick it up on her own. Correcting her damages her confidence and motivation for trying out new words. Expand on your child's words. If he says, "want cereal", reply "Oh, Brandon would like some cereal for breakfast."
