This site has ceased to exist. However you will always exist. Isn't that cool to know?

You are an ever-living, never-dying being. Eternal. Yes, one day you will die a physical, "flesh and blood" death, but your spirit/soul will never die. No matter whether you think you are a good person, bad person, angel, devil, or in between, you will live for eternity.

You know you were made for more than just life on this earth. You can feel it in your bones when seeing majestic snow-capped mountains. When you hold a newborn baby. A longing in your gut, for something more. What about the humble awe you feel when you consider major human achievements like a rocket or space shuttle blasting off into the cloudless sky, leaving a trail of smoke behind it?

Stop for a moment, close your eyes and picture that rocket, right in the moments after take-off...

Then consider a simple seed, on its own type of launchpad, under the ground, waiting for the exact right time of year to start sprouting. How does it know which way is up to the sunlight, and which way is down for the root? Then the stem grows up towards the sky, and the roots grow down like the rocket's plume of smoke. When you stop and consider it, a simple seed is just as amazing as a rocket. More mysterious even, perhaps.

A seed grows to produce a plant and fruit, which will yield yet more seeds, and then repeat the cycle. However, you know that the human being is made up of much more complex and, yes, mysterious systems and processes than a mere seed. (Although we must admit that a mere seed may grow hundreds of feet tall into a towering redwood tree, or it may grow into a beautiful rose or lily and make your heart ache at the sight of it).

So, if humans are so much more complex, how is it that we just die like a plant at the end of our lives? There is a longing inside each one of use for something more. Why? Because there is something more! Eternity.

To be continued... In the Beehive.

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