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Holy Trinity College and Seminary
of the Southern Episcopal Church
6110 Florida Avenue
New Port Richey, Florida 34653

1. Complete this application and return it to the ADMISSION OFFICE, Holy Trinity College and Seminary, with the ADMISSION FEE of $30.00.
2. Enclose a cirriculum vitae along with transcripts or copies of degrees or certificates from Colleges or schools of higher education you have attained.

Degree or Studies of interest: _________________________________

Social Security Number:____________________________

Work: Full Time_____ Part Time_____

Your occupation: ________________________________________________________

NAME ________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________

CITY _______________________ STATE _________ ZIP________________

Home Phone___________________ Work Phone _____________________

Date of Birth __________________ Male___________ Female ____________

Citizen of ________________________Country ot Birth ____________________

High :School_____________________________________ Year of Graduation_____

Colleges attended:_________________________________________________________

Certification: I understand that withholding information or giving false information on this application may make me ineligible for admission to Holy Trinity College and Seminary.
I have read this application and certify that the statements I have made are correct and complete.

___________________________________________ _______________
Sign and Date

Holy Trinity College and Seminary is a religious degree granting institution,

Degrees offered by Holy Trinity College and Seminary are solely for religious vocations.

Print, fill out and mail this Application for evaluation.