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Lend me yer ears as I Song 4 a Chick

Sample a Song 4 this Chick I usta know

Ron the Toad WROTE,

Get some ballz and you say? Hell you can't even sign your name of give a real e-mail address? Its okay though your IP address shows me who you are and that you visit my site 3 to 4 times a day, if it offends don't look F O O L!

Toad does a site reviews…………
Rating: +100... on a scale from 10 to a 100 in the ability to piss off the feeble-minded!


Get a life! Do something with it, Would you get som smarts & quit letting Chic suck off of you kindness. Face it, if it weren't for the fact that you work for free you wouldn't be working there. Yet you defend him? Why, because you thinks its cool to hang in the Mall or a Music store? Well if you would bother to look at how other people view what you are doing, I'd bet you change you life!.

Ron wrote:
I really don't know what in the hell your problem is


Well here is a list for ya!

1.The fact is that Total-Joke would not be their if wasn't for Soundwaves. We literally Paid to teach Chic everything he knows (which isn't much) about the Music industry and running a store. Prior to working for me he had 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs that he could only manage to keep for less than six months, and doing Guitar Lessons, which he stills does even though you say he is having great success!

2. The fact that he & you badmouths me every chance he gets at his front counter.

3. The fact that he couldn't even start a business that was an exact copy of Soundwaves! No Originality!

From the shelves to front counter itself. Least he could have tried to make it look different instead of sucking off my ideas!

4. The fact he sneaked around behind my back while working for me planning to open his store. Had he not been so spineless and have said something, Hell I would have helped he get up and going and you would be twice as well of as you are today.

5. Last of all, not that something like this will not sink in to you a single track thinking mind of yours but. I have never had someone who I called a friend. Someone who I helped get there first house, someone who I through a benefit for when Life got them down, someone who you treated better than I did myself at times treat me with such disrespect, and literally stab me in the back before. I will never be able to put that must trust into the human race again!


Ron wrote:

You are seriously fucked up in the head.

Thank you Ronnie…I'm touched.

Ron wrote:

Chic didn't do ANYTHING to you! The only reason you are starting shit with him is because you are so jealous of the popularity that he has as well as how well he is doing with Total Joke..

Ron you imbreed little Toad!

You forget that I was in the mall for five years, and that (you can ask Chic and if he don't lie he has to agree) We were a lot more successful than you can ever hope to be. Because it was before On-cue, before the Internet & back then Soundwaves was the only music Store. NOTE: we still are the only independent store. We have NO Mall, or Mommy Daddy Financial, or Chain store support. Why would I be jealous of something I've already done and did it much better than you can ever hope to do!


Ron Wrote:

I will never ever buy anything from your store EVER... Chic is a good friend of mine and until you started pulling your shit I liked you too (say big boy, I knew you swang that way, but I thought it was only with little BOYz!) I have realized though all of this bull-shit, to stay civil to anyone such as yourself.. I will have to learn to suck my own balls . . . CUZ I'M A L O S E R


Gee sorry but I doubt if I loose any sleep loosing out on those big bucks! Words of some wise man once said, "with friends like that who needs enemas!" another quote "Never trust a Man who wants to be called a chick!" Less of coarse you swing the same way Ron does with little boys.


Ron wrote:

Bull-shit, {and a lot of 2}. And I hope like hell he does sue you... and I hope he takes your pathetic little buisness from you but I know chic and I know he's Gay! And I know he'll waste a lot of time and money on a petty little shit, like this page on the internet. That he Quotes . . Finds Unpleasent.....


Well he can't and he knows it! I'm sure his Lawyer told him this too! He nor anyone else including the Federal Government can not censor the Net! What the hell was he thinking when he though he could. As far as my quote "pathetic" store goes I'll bet you your next paycheck that I still have a higher profit margin than he does. Plus I don't have to put up with the Mall Bullshit or Welfare cases like your self. Oh Damn, I forgot you don't get a paycheck, How bout Lets say $100.00 dollar bet! Willing to put your money where your Blowhole is?

Honestly Ronnie, how can your life benefit working with someone who would stab you in the back tomorrow if he though he could make a buck off of it, going to benefit you at all. Look into your future man! When his leases is up and they throw his anorexic ass out of there, do you think he will give a rats ass about what your life will then do? Your right NO he won't! The only reason you were ever mentioned on my site was to find out who was telling chic about it, and man you SUCKER'D right in on that one! I have nothing against you, nor do I want your money. Besides Soundwaves now in its 10th year will be here long after Total Joke is gone! This all got started because I had animated pix of him on my web site, and He found it quote "Unpleasant!" Do me a favor tell the Asshole don't LOOK if it offends! The net is like cable TV in that you don't have to watch it! From there you got pissed and still are myself I think its funny as hell, and by the way thank you for creating traffic on my site!


To anyone else reading this I AM SORRY that you had to do so.If you would like, you can read how this all started H-E-R-E! Its just seems that these Ball less, Dickless people can't leave a E-mail address so we could keep in to ourselves, seems sometimes you just have to say something to these Dickheads to make them realize what life is all about! I will only leave this up for a short time, got to give them enough time to read it twice, cause it won't sink in the first time, and this is most likely the closes thing to reading a book that they have ever done. But in time I'll take it down. Sorry for the inconvenience to you all! But if you need more info, and a good laugh, check out the folowing links:

Mr. Worthless thought he could do what the government can not!

This is the page that started it!

This is my newest one, thanks to the O.H.S. NEWS PAPER


All of them were done in fun, and there isn't nothing you can do bout it Dickless, and I'm still LMAO!


This is posted at


Since 4/18/2000