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Pro Ecclesia Publishers
Publisher of Christian Books


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Confessions Notes on the Belgic Confession - C Bouwman 

NEW - Notes on the Canons of Dort - C Bouwman

Only by True Faith - Part 1 - A van Delden

Only by True Faith - Part 2 - A van Delden

The Way - A Preconfession Course - W Huizinga


Quintus - R Weerstand

The Carpenter of Zerbst  - P de Zeeuw

The Farrier of Buda  - P de Zeeuw


Shadows of the Light - Outlines on the Leviticus - Joh de Wolf

Be Wise! - An Introduction to the Book of Proverbs - G van Rongen

Song of Songs - JH van der Hoeven

Elisha the Prophet - G van Rongen

The Book of Ezra - C Bouwman

God's Song Book for His People - G Kwakkel and B Vuijk

Living Parables - Bible studies on the parables of Jesus - PJ Trimp

In the Word is Life - Part 1 - Outlines on the Gospel of John - AI Krijtenburg

In the Word is Life - Part 2 - Outlines on the Gospel of John - AI Krijtenburg

A Mirror of the Manifold Wisdom of God - Outlines on the Letter to the Ephesians - J Smelik

The Letters of John and Jude - J Nieuwenhuis and HD van Herksen

Church History

The Broken Staff called Union - Documentation of the division between the Reformed Churches of Australia and the Free Reformed Churches of Australia

Outlines in Church History - G Slings

An Everlasting Covenant - J Kamphuis

Decently and in Good Order - The Church Order of Dordrecht -  G van Rongen


The Doctrine of the Church in Reformed/Presbyterian Contacts - C Bouwman

Encounter with Evangelicals - For Better and For Worse - C Bouwman

Lectures on the Church - Dr J Faber

Daily Life
For as long as you both shall live - A van Delden

A Living Member - Three sermons on the family - A Veldman

I am the Lord Your God - Wolf Meesters

Behold, the Lamb of God - Wolf Meesters

NEW - I am with you always - Wolf Meesters

Every Day - Daily meditations with the Bible

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