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Welcome to Magi Books and Gifts! We offer a wide variety of New Age Books, Calanders and Almanacs(seasonally), Tarot Kits and Decks, There is something here for novice and experts alike. If you are looking for something special please e-mail us and we will work to find it for you! While your here check out our Free Gift with special purchase books and our 20% Coupon off your first Order!

Each book is 64 pp.softbound $2.99/each
1) "Astral Projection":learn to conciously and deliberatly have an out-of-body experience. Includes technique and background.
2)"Chakras":Anodea Judith explains the 7 chakras systems, including exercises for releasing chakra energy and feeling the force of kundanlini.
3)"Crystal Healing"-Discusses the fascinating lore of crystals and gems.How to use their healing energies,teaches about various crystals and different uses.
4)"Psychic Self Defense"-Psychic attacks do occur! Learn what a psychic attack is,including case histories. Techniques given for protection and defense.
5)"Psychic Powers"-A guide to the psychic powers we all have and how to develope them.How to avoid being trapped by frauds and cults.
6)"What Astrology Can do For You"-Basic guide to the kinds of Astrology,,houses ,aspects,including natal charts, relocation charts,progressed Horoscopes,child guidance and more!
7)"Ritual Magic"-Learn what to expect from ritual magic, basic ritual,power of elemental forces.By Donald Tyson
8)"Herb Magic"-Learn about ancient art of herb magic.Is it effective? Is it dangerous? Which herbs are the best? Written by Master Herbalist Scott Cummingham.
9)"Runes"-Discover Runes.Find out how to use them in divination, ritual,meditation,magic and more. Written by Donald Tyson.
10)"The Druids"-Ancient wizards? Wonder-workers? Who were the Druids? Learn about their spiritual path in Ireland including tradition, cosmology,festivals,and Magic. Discover how Modern Druids live today.
11)"Shamanism"-A primer on the ideas and techniques of Shamanism, a deep spirtual reverence for for a life and thw ability to provide answers to the worlds troubles.Written by Shaman Amber Wolfe
12)"Egyptian Magic"-Learn the history and forms of Egyptain Magic, gods and goddesses,sacred text,High Magic and Low Magic,use of hieroglyphics,rituals,myths and the role of Egyptiam Magic today.
Beginners Series: Includes Free Gift with each Book Ordered!!
1)"Astrology for Beginners"-Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting Your Chart"-Learn what astrology is and how it works, all about sign,planets,houses and aspects;how to interpret a birth Chart and how to create a chart.Includes Free coupon for a free computerized natal Chart! By William Hewitt$9.95
2)"Dowsing for Beginners:Water,Gold,Treasure,Oil,Artifacts"- Use a dowsing rod to find water,oil,lost items,missing persons. Find Optimum planting locations,monitor your pets health, determine psychic development,locate archeological remains and more! Includes Free dowsing Stick. By Richard Webster$12.95
3)"Tarot For Beginners:An Easy Guide to Understanding & interpreting the Tarot"-Gain a basic straight forward definition of the upright and reverse meaning for each card,which can be easily applied to any system of interpretation with any Tarot Deck,using any layout.Covers the full range of the Tarot`s uses,from fortune-telling to meditation. Plus recieve a Free "How-To" Book!-By Scott P. Hollander$12.95
4)"Psychic Development For Beginners:An Easy Guide to Releasing And Developing Your Psychic Abilities"-Find a parking space, practice healing,choose a compatable partner-even Access different time periods!44 psychic development exercises and 28 related studies.Plus get a free copy of Fate Magazine.- ByWilliam Hewitt-$9.95
5)"Scrying For Beginners:Tapping into the Supersensory Powers of the Sub-Concious Mind"-Learn to scry using such familiar methods as crystal gazing,pendulums,black mirriors,dowsing rods psychometry, automatic writing and speaking. Also try ancient techniques,such as oil scrying,fire gazing,and oracular dreaming.Plus get a free scrying sheet! By Donald Tyson$12.95
How To Series: 1)"How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides"- Through the easy techniques presented in this book you can learn to safely aaccess and attune to beings gaurdian andles,nature and elemental spirits, spirit totems,archangles,gods and goddesses- as well as family and friends after thier physical death.Conquer fears of the unknown,learn how to protect yourself from discarnates,and stimulate your intuitive faculties.pp,192pgs.By Ted Andrews-$4.99
2)"Choose Your Own Tarot"-This handy guide book takes the mystery out of shopping for your personal oracle.Learn which decks are tailored for fortuntelling,meditation, taking astral journeys,or practicing magick.Explore different methods for doing tarot readings and empower your your magical rituals with Tarot images. pp,200pgs.ByDavid Godwin$4.99
3)"Heal with Colors"-Colors vibrations can interact with the human energy system to stabilize physical,emotional, mental and spiritual conditions. This book helps develope psychic sensitivity to color vibrations,gives beneficial colors for over 50 conditions,teaches you to balance the chakras,construct a healing mandala and more.pp,224pgs. By Ted Andrews$4.99
4)"Uncover Past Lives"-Learn nine different techniques to access your past lives.Explore issues such as karma and how it is expressed in your present life; the source of past life information;soul mates and twin souls, the mysteries of birth and death;animals and reincarnation; and proving past lives.Complete instructions are included for a safe and easy regression.pp,240pgs.By Ted Andrews$4.99
5)"See and Read Aura"-Easy to read and practicle manual has a variety of exercises to practice alone or with a partner to build skills in aura reading and interpretation. Also learn to balance your aura each day to keep it vibrant and strong so others cannot drain your vital force.pp,160pgs. By Ted Andrews-$3.95
Magic and Lore:
Celtic Magic:
1) "Celtic Tree Mysteries":Solid background and technique on the powers and energies of the Celtic Green World,with practicle exercises to increase spiritual awareness.PP,By Steve Blamiers $14.95
2) "Glamoury: Magic of the Celtic and Green World"Book of Irish Celtic Tradition. Including a self-enriching journey to the mystical outerworlds,attune to nature through seasonal rituals,channel magical forces and more.pp,By Steve Blamires$16.95
3)"The 21 Lessons of Merlin:A study in Druid Magic &Lore"-A Complete coures in Celtic Druidism within the frame work of 21 authentic lessons from the past.pp,448Pgs.By Douglas Monroe $17.95
4)"The Grail Castle"-Male Myths and Mysteries in Celtic Tradition"-Takes Men on a quest for wholeness through intergration of four powerful archtypes:Father,Warrior,Lover,and Wise Man. Includes meditation,ritual work.PP,240PGS. By Kenneth Johnson and Marguerite Elsbeth-$14.95
5)"The Siver Wheel:The Womans Myths and Mysteries in Celtic Tradition"-Meditations,exercises and thought provoking test to find the Goddess in Your soul! pp,224pgs. By kenneth Johnson ans Marguerite Elsbeth-$14.95
6)"The Handbook of Celtic Asrtology:The 13-signs Lunar Zodiac of the Ancient Druids"-Discover your Lunar self! Solar-oriented astrology has dominated Western astrological thought for centuries, but Lunar-based Celtic Astrology provides the missing "Yin" principle. Explore the Celtic Lunar Zodiac, where each month is associated with a tree sacred to the Druids. Each Tree-sign is broken down into it`s Celtic mythology and meaning. 288 pgs. By Helena Paterson-$15.00
7)"The Celtic Lunar Zodiac-How to interpret your Moon Sign"-Open up a new dimension in astrology with interpretations of the Lunar months of the year as developed by the ancient Celts. A tresure trove of insights into mythology, herbal lore and Druidic mystery tradition. Beautifully illustrated with symbolic full-color watercolors. By Helena Paterson;illustrations by Margaret Walty-$17.95
Ceremonial Shamanism:
1)" The Power of the Circle"-ritual magic in the western tradition.pp ByJohn Micheal Greer.-$20.00
2)"Paths of Wisdom:Principles and Practice in the Magic Cabala in western tradition"-includes Cabala path work and meditation,rituals,and mystical contemplation.pp,416pgs. By John Micheal Greer-$16.95
3) "Secrets of the Golden Dawn: The Alchemy and Crafting of Magical Impements" A complete Guide to the construction of 80 different implements, including ritual and meditation. An indispensible Guide.pp,pgs592 By Chic Ciero&Sanndra Tabatha Cicreo-$19.95
4)"Self-Iniation Into the Golden Dawn Tradition:A Complete Cirriculum of Study for Both the Solitary Magician an the Working of Group Magic"-Covering the Knowledge of the Qablah,Astrology,Tarot,Geomancy and Spiritual Alchemy.pp,784pgs.By Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero-$39.95
5) "The Angels Message to Humanity" Ascsnsion to Divine Union-Powerful Enochian Magick"-Present 88 graded paths,including ritual magic,sex magic,visulization,yoga,and mantras.Explores the Watchtowers and the Tablet of Union.pp 288pgs. ByGerald and Betty Schueler,PhD`s-$19.95
Candle Magic:
1)"Practicle Candleburnig Rituals"-28 rituals for love,money,protection, spiritual insight and more.pp 210Pgs, By Raymond Buckland-$7.95
2)"Advance Candle Burning Magick"-Includes advanced spells with planetary hours,herbs,color symbolism to create positive change in your life.pp,288pgs,By Raymond Buckland-$12.95
1)"The Wiccan Mysteries:Ancient Origins & Teachings"-Contains the material that once was only taught to initiate level of old Wiccan Mysteries,and to many solitary practioners have not been available till now.pp,312pgs,By Raven Grimassi-$14.95
2)"The Sabbats:A New Approach to Living the Old Ways"-Deepen your connection with the Wheel of the Year.Including practicle guide to solar festivals,16 complete texts of the Sabbat rituals with detailed guidlines.pp368 pgs.By Edain McCoy-$14.95
3)"Wicca:A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner"-This book explains how anyone can become a Wiccan,living magically,spiritually,and wholly attuned to nature.Complete with exercises and practicle experiments,teachings of basic Craft principles.pp,240pgs, By Scott Cunningham-$9.95
4)Living Wicca:A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner"-A step-by-step guide to advance solitary practice.Including creating your Wiccan Tradition ,personal ritual and symbol,develope your own book of Shadows,becoming a High Priest or Priestess.pp,208pgs.,By Scott Cunningham-$12.95
5)"Buckland`s Complete Book of Witchcraft" The complete reference to a study of witchcraft,from the "old Religion" to modern Wicca includes full details on theroy and practice, complete study course.History,practice,composition,formulea,magic,herbology and divination.pp,278pgs,By Ray Buckland-$14.95
1)"To Stir A Magick Cauldren: A Withes Guide to Casting and Conjuring"-Explore the art of spell-casting,six ways to cast the Circle and more,For beginners and intermediates alike!pp,320pgs. By Silver RaverWolf-$16.95
2)"Moon Magick:Myth,Magic,Crafts & Recipes, Rituals and Spells"-Use the 13 month lunar calendar to plan projects,break bad habits,or find love.Contains ritual,meditation,moon lore,recipes,beverages and decorations,and a dictionary of Moon Gods and Goddesses.pp,320pgs.By D.J. Conway-$16.95
3)"Charms,Spells & Formulas:For the making and use of Gris Gris Bags,Herb Candles,Doll Magic,Incenses,oils and Powders."-A very useful and practicle guide pp,192pgs.,By Ray Malbrough-$6.95
4)"SpellCraft:Creating Magical Items"-Complete guide to creating physical objects for the attainment of specific magical goals.pp,224pgs,By Scott Cunningham and David Harrington-$10.00
5)"Wheel of The Year:Living the Magical life"-Magical spells,charms,and rituals for all the seasons of the year.Truly inspirational!pp,176pgs.,By Paula Campanelli-$12.95
1)"Crystal Medicine"-Clear,consise,and comprehensive guide to authentic healing powers that make use of the sacred power inherent in stones.pp, By Marguerite Elsbeth,$17.95
2)"Cunningham`s Encyclepedia of Crystals,Gems & Metal Magic"-Most Complete Guide to over 100 secret and Magical properties of crystals,gems,metals.Nurmoruos table,glossary,index and more.pp,240pgs.By Scott Cunningham-$14.95
3)"Crystal Ascension:Spiritual Growth & Planetary Healing"-Learn to use the mineral kingdom,chakras,color and sound to gently trigger the sleeping soul to release the new energies into concious expression.pp,192pgs.By Catherine Bowman-$6.95
4)"Crystal Balls and Crystal Bowls :Tools for Anceint Scrying and Modern Seership"-Comprehenaive step-by-step guide into the art of scrying.ppBy Ted Andrews-$12.95
Herbal Medicine:
1)"Jude`s Herbal Home Remedies:Natural Health,Beauty and Home-care Secrets"-800 recipes and remedies in all.pp,320pgs.By Jude C.Williams-$12.95
2)"Mother Natures Herbal"- Focus on herbal medicine of China,the Mediterranean, South America, India and Africa! The knowlege of world herbology at your fingertips!pp400pgs.,ByJudy Griffin,Ph.D.-$19.95
1)"New Chakra Healing:The revolutionary 32-Center Energy System"This book begins with an understanding of the 7 main chakras;then takes you further to explore the 12 physical centers and 20 spiritual centers that co-exist on the spiritual plane.Covers auras,karma,mana energy,dharma,and cords.304pg, Cyndi Dale-$17.95
2)"Charka Workout: For the Mind ,Body and Spirit"-Techniques for heightening mental and phsical energy,choose your movements from Chinese,East Indian,Middle East,and Native American tradition.pp,256pgs.,Byawyn and Jones-$14.95
Reference Library Of Magical Arts
1)"The Magican`s Companion:A Practicle and Encyclopedic Guide to Magical and Religious Symbolism" This "desk reference" over flows with indispensible occult and esoteric materials.Discusses and compare over 35 magical models; and includes theroy and practice of magic and rituals; sections on alchemy,magical alphabets,and more pp,608pgs. By Bill Whitcomb-$24.95
2)"The Complete Book of Amulets and Tailsman"-Examine the infinite variety of charms and fetishes found in every civilazation, from the distance past to the present.Learn the entier history of thier tools ,geography, how they are apart of each man and womans search for the connection with spiritual forces,and how to make and use them.Loaded with hundreds of illustrations,this is the ultimate reference guide.pp,304pgs.,By Migene Gonz'alez-Wippler-$14.95
3)"The Complete book of Spells,Ceromonies,& Magick"-A study of all aspects aspects of Magick throught the ages.Divided into theroy,practice and Magical Spells. this book is one of the most valuable and useful books on the history and technique of magic.Over 100 rare Photos and illustrations.pp,400pgs.By Migene Gonz'ales-Wippler-$14.95
4)"The Complete Book of Incense,Oils,and Brews"-Updated and revised New information on ingredients and substitutions,preparing recipes, tintures,ritual soap powders and more.Use these tools to enhance beauty,encourage psychic preception,increase confidence, aid in astral Travel.pp,288pgs.,By Scott Cunningham-$12.95
5)"Godwin`s Cabalistic Encyclopedia:A Complete Guide to Cabalistic Magick"-One of the Most valuable books on the Cabala incorporates hundreds of new entries into one comprehensive dictionary.The attributes of each demon,angel,power,name of God, Sephiroth,Path, and planes of the Tree of Life is fully described and cross-indexed.pp,832pgs.By David Godwin-$29.95
Self-Help Tapes:
1)Traing program for Concious Dying-Enhance your spiritual growth,personal empowerment,and liberation of your soul from the cycle of birth and death.Meet your Gaurdian Angel and experience the joy of understanding your karmic purpose. 6 cassette program-By Dr.Bruce Goldberg,$59.95
2)Training program for Hypnotic Time Travel-Take a dramatic voyage on your path to self-discovery! Explore centuries past and centuries to come.Relive specific events and identify people in your life whom you knew in a past lifetimes. Converse with your Higher self as you journey to other galaxies, planes and demensions.This training Program includes 6 exciting journeys. (6 cassettes)!-By Dr.Bruce Goldberg-$59.95
1)SOPHIA`S fORTUNE TELLING KIT- With Gypse influence and based on a beautifully illustrated 54 card deck by Beth Wright.Sophia`s Boxed set includes playing card deck and 264pg book.-$24.95
2)Golden Dawn Magical System- A Complete Tarot Set: Visually stunning deck skillfully blends the the descriptions given in the golden dawn initiation ceremonies with traditional Tarot imagery. Included are the card-by-card analysis of the decks intricate symbolism, an introduction to the Qabalah, and a section on the use of the deck for practicle rituals,meditations and divinational procedures. Boxed Set:79 Full color cards, and layout sheet.-$34.95
3)The Robin Wood Tarot-Radiantly colorful and infinietly captivating, this deck is a gift to your visual senses. Remarkably easy to understand and interpret, this deck will enchant and excite both experts and novice alike.Includes 78 full-colored cards and 56pg instruction booklet.-$19.95
4)Legend: The Arthurian Tarot-Open the fascinating legends of the Arthurian quest with the 78 exquisitely water color rendering Tarot Cards of Legend.Also accompanying the deck is a full color Celtic Cross layout sheet and 282 pg book,"Keeper of Words", which explains the divinatory meanings of the cards, thier symbols, and Legend associated with them.By Anna-Marie Ferguson-$34.95
5)Legend Arthurian Tarot Deck-separately as described above-$14.95
6)The Witches Tarot Kit-Here is a potent Tarot system that you can use as a remarkable divination pool...a mesmerizing meditation focus or as a gateway to astral travel. Kit includes 78 full color cards, 320 pg. book and a two-sided layout sheet to simplify your readings. By Ellen Cannon Redd;illustrations by Martin Cannon-$34.95
7)"Tarot Spells"- The spells in this book cover a wide variety of common concerns: money, health,family,friends,birth and death, marriage and divorce.the spells are easy to perform and provide a creative support for your everyday living.You don`t need to know anythihg about the Tarot or how to read and interpret the cards. All You need is a Tarot Deck and a positive and creative frame of mind. (Features Tarot cards by Robin Wood), 288pgs.By Janina Renee-$12.95
HOW TO ORDER: I Hope you enjoyed our fine selection of books and Tapes. In the near future we will also be looking forward to adding a fine collection of Celtic,and New Age Jewlery,High quality Incense and more! To Order is easy: Please write Your Name,Address and Name of Item, How Many and price down on a sheet of paper. PA. Residence Please add 6% sales tax.All Orders Should add 10% Shipping and Handling.And Please Deduct 20% for first order.At This time we only accept cash,check,or money order. Checks May delay order by 10-14 days to clear.
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