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Dave S. has some awesome colored fuel line available. He is currently offering this line in clear, neon orange, red, blue, green, and purple. The green and purple will look really nice on your vintage Cat. Actually, all the colors could be used on old Cats. How about some of that orange on your Pantera. Or, how 'bout some blue on your Trail Cat IFS. And, of course, the red would look good on any of the early Cats.

For more info, click on the picture (above) to see a larger, printable version of his info sheet.

I already bought 80 ft. of the purple, and 40 ft. of the green! This stuff is neat!


1962 Production Numbers

1963 Production - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1964 Production

1965 Production - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1966 Production

1967 Production - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1968 Production

1967-69 Accessories List - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1969 Production Numbers

1970 Production (A) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1970 Production (B)

1971 Production (A) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1971 Production (B)

1972 Production - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1973 Production

1974 Production - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1975 Production

1976 Production - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Decal Part Numbers


Pics from member Tom D.


Pics From Waconia 2002


****** LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE! ******

New member Joe L. is reproducing the white leopard seat vinyl! I got a piece from him and this stuff is very nice! This is as close to NOS as you are going to get. The weight of the fabric, the quality of the print, everything is top notch. The only thing that isn't "perfect" is the grain pattern of the vinyl itself. It does not have the exact same "pony hair" grain of the NOS material, but unless you put on your reading glasses and get real close, you would never know it was not NOS. If you were to put in the heat seamed pleats and use it on your '71 EXT or Puma, I doubt that anyone would be able to tell that is is not original! And, if you were doing a seat that doesn't need the heat seamed pleats, like a '70 Puma EXT or MOD, any of the Panthers, or one of the '72 and newer sleds, this stuff would be "purrrrr-fect"...

Thank you, thank you, thank you Joe, for making this stuff available!

Now, don't think you can get this stuff on the cheap. Joe does sell it for less than you can get the NOS stuff, but it's not a dollar per yard, either. But, if it is within your budget, you will not be disappointed!!!


DECALS! ******* DECALS! ******* DECALS!

The AccA is working with two suppliers of high quality, NOS style, reproduction decals.

One is Frank Sadlon and he is from Wisconsin. He has started to do repro decals as a second business (Engineered Graphics Ltd.) and is glad to be a part of the AccA. He is also a fellow vintage Cat lover and has some nice sleds of his own.

Next is MACH 9 Technologies (AFE Graphics). Mark Olan is also doing some nice decals. And MACH 9 is giving AccA members a 10% discount! To get the discount, just give them your name, ACCA member number, city and state when you order.


And remember, Frank is adding new decals almost every day, so stay tuned!

To order decals, go to the website, or contact Frank directly at: Engineered Graphics Ltd.


To order decals, contact Mark directly at: MACH 9 Tech or, go online at: AFE Graphics .


Coca-Cola Classic Vintage Fest Report:Click HERE to see my so-called report... lol!


I have posted an Arctic/Salsbury Clutch Kits Reference and an Arctic/Salsbury Clutch Part Number Cross-Reference . Thanks go to member James S. for the idea.


All the pics from the 2004 LBVR Show, Menasha, WI. are now posted. CLICK HERE to take a look!


WACONIA 2004: Update: I received pics from three club members who attended the Waconia show this year, and should have them posted very soon. I would like to thank Mark K., Steve P., and Sandra S. for donating the pics!


CHECK THIS OUT! Need restoration parts for your 1969-73 project? Go to Arctic Restoration Specialties and see what they have. Need a new Kink Kat tunnel? Or a new 1970 MOD racer style hood? How about a belly pan for a '73 EXT? They've got 'em. Lot's of other good stuff, too!


Check out these racing pics from 1971 .

If you know where these were taken, or if you recognize anyone in them, please let me know.


I updated the "Michigan Shows","Waconia 2002", and "Waconia 2003" picture pages to make them more browser, and printer "friendly". I was also able to improve the quality of the Waconia '02 pics (not a lot better, but a little...).


I now have all of the pics posted from the Low Buck Vintage Riders Show, Menasha, WI, 2003. Click HERE to take a look.


If you need some 1969-73 Arctic Cat race sled parts, go to Arctic Restoration Specialties and have a look. Repro hoods, pans, pipes, engine plates, etc! Excellent! I had previously bought a repro 1971 EXT engine plate from Jerry L., and it is very nice. I'm glad to see that they have their own site now.



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