Political-Social Order in Oceania London is a province of Oceania, the third most populous of them. London is the city in which the novel takes place. Newspeak is the official language of Oceania. Government is divided into four ministries: Ministry of Truth (Minitrue): concerned with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts. Ministry of Peace (Minipax): concerned with war Ministry of Plenty (Miniplenty): responsible for economic affairs Ministry of Love (Miniluv): maintained law and order There are no laws within Oceania but if certain actions are detected they could be punishable by death or by twenty-five years in a forced labour camp. There is no real inter-communication within Oceania (p89). The Party of Oceania possesses approximately 19% of the population of Oceania’s mainland. Oceanian philosophy is based on Ingsoc, otherwise known as “English Socialism” (p38). The sacred principles of Ingsoc are: Newspeak, Doublethink, and the mutability of the past. The social structure within Oceania is pyramidal and is arranged as follows: Apex of pyramid Big Brother: infallible, all powerful; given credit for everything. Below Big Brother Inner Party: 6 million or 2% of population of Oceania Below Inner Party Outer Party Below Outer Party Proles: 85% of population of Oceania