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DataStore Services

Your One-Stop File Manager!



Are you tired of looking for important documents and can't find them? Are you wasting time and money for storage? Let us help you put those documents at your finger tips. Best of all, it's economical and easy! DataStore Services in Georgia and Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands can solve your Document Storage Problem by Scanning and Archiving your documents to a CD-ROM.

DataStore Services

Why store your documents or records on CD-ROM?

1. Have you ever needed a document right away, but couldn't find it? Have you ever lost a document that was key to making a business decision? You're not alone. And, staggeringly, despite our being in the midst of the Information Age, 90% of the documents handled in the workplace are still on paper.

2. The Case for Document Management, It Can Make Your Company More Efficient, More Productive, and More Profitable.

3. A CD-ROM disk is infinitely smaller , lighter, and cheaper to transport than an equivalent tower of 20 Websters dictionaries, 150 microfiche, or ten rolls of microfilm and more useful because it's electronically searchable.

An "Ernst and Young" study stated that electronic document management:

•can triple processing capacity (Retrieve documents in seconds....One can E-mail, Fax or Print)

•reduces staff time by up to 50%

•provides immediate access to decision - critical data

•reduces document storage space up to 80%

•provides a fail-safe secure system (HAZARDS)

•eliminate storage problems

•protect documents, it’s History, information or use.



Telephone: 803-331-9595

Any file or document at your fingertips at all times.


Scanning...We can scan any document or image such as logos, graphics or charts from paper onto disk or CD ready to be used in your favorite application

Document Management

Document Management...Having a paperless office has several advantages. Your filed documents are never more than a few clicks away, saving precious time running to the file cabinet only to find that what you need isn't where it should be. And should there be a disaster, (fire, flood, hurricane, stuck file drawer) would you be able to replace your paper files?

Back-file Conversion

Backfile Conversion... Let us scan all your current and historical documents. Scanning provides for quick recovery, also for companies keeping originals off site it provides instant access to that data. A typical example are old client records which are say in storage off site and need a copy of one of those documents if they are on CD just print it out.


Archiving... We can put your historical documents at your finger tips from Hard-copy to CD-ROM. Instant access to that old invoice, client record or any required document you do not or can not throw away.


Indexing... If you require a change in your current filing system we can Index your records by a different filing system. If you wish we can change from or to a Name system, Numbering, Alphabetical or any other requirement provided.


Sorting... For a minimal fee, sorting of pages within your files can de done before scanning. Some clients prefer to have just the most important documents Scanned and Archived.

DataStore Services has provided services for numerous companies in the fields of law, finance, marketing, retail, chemicals, insurance, health, manufacturing and others.

DataStore Services Scanning Pricing: Please submit your requirements for pricing.

Scan and Archive Your Documents for Pennies...

The standard scan is 200 x 200 DPI and saved under CCITT guidelines; TIFF Group 4 format (compressed) files. Each CD-ROM can hold approximately 20,000 (8 1/2 x 11) pages. The lifespan of a CD-ROM is estimated at more than one hundred years. Images can also be save at 300 and 400 dpi at your request.

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Clients from Puerto Rico/USVI click here

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