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We are here to assist you in any way we can to a better and healthier life. It is our belief that a healthy body is a clean body. A body must detox to fully heal. A body must release toxins, remove toxins and then rebuild.

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Advanced Space Age Healing Water

Genesis Water Ionizer
Creates Great Tasting Healing
Alkaline Water at pennies a glass


Call 435-580-4841 for further details or questions about financing

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Amazing Recovery

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Ten Key Innovations You Should Consider:

  • The KYK Genesis creates water that is scientifically enhanced to match the activated hydrogen and alkaline chemical structure of the world-famous water of Lourdes, France.
  • The KYK Genesis activated carbon filter removes 99.99% of most pollutants from your drinking water, making it safe.
  • The electrodes are the most important component to ionization and the KYK Genesis's electrode plates are about twice the size of other water ionizers measuring 20 cm by 7 cm each.
  • The KYK Genesis is the first ionizer to use the advanced SMPS Electrical System.  This is the coolest running electrical system on the US market that will reduce noise, energy consumption, heat related stress, and will expand the average lifespan of the KYK Genesis to an estimated 30 years.  You can also run your KYK Genesis for an hour at a time, any other ionizer can only run 7-15 minutes
  • The KYK Genesis is approved by the KFDA as a medical device.  It is listed by the FDA as a medical device, manufactured in an ISO certified factory and has all the necessary credentials like KGMP and KETI certification for excellence in medical products, HC international environment certification, KTL approval for industrial technology, and many more.  Here is a list of certifications:
    KYK Product Certifications
    KYK Co. is the number one selling water ionizer company in Korea and also the most decorated with certifications.
    Our products are made in an ISO certified factory and approved by the KFDA as medical devices.

    Click Here to Invest in Your Health Now

    Here is a list of some of the other certifications and approvals KYK has received:

  • GMP standard for medical device manufacturing and quality management

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  • The KYK Genesis can create an ORP between -400 and -800 in ideal conditions and the preset levels are designed to create the optimal pH and ORP for your body.  The ORP and pH are adjustable to as many as 64 levels.    
  • The smaller water clusters aid in the enzymatic breakdown of food, and makes it easier for the body to digest food and absorb the nutrients.  KYK Genesis water will help the body absorb 30% more nutrients than tap water.
  • At just under two cents a liter, the KYK Genesis will save you money over bottled water and even other water ionizers with shorter lifespans, making it the best value for premium drinking water.
  • The KYK Genesis has an available undersink kit with a beautiful brushed chrome faucet.  
  • The KYK Genesis has a built in mineral port.  The KYK Genesis has won many international product awards.  The mayor of Seoul, Korea endorses the KYK Genesis and Mr. Kim Young Kwi's book.

Genesis Customer Testimonials:


"The prime reason I bought my Genesis water ionizer about a month ago was that I was hopeful that it might help to relieve my my digestion problems that would typically keep me awake for half the night. For the past 25 years, I lived on acid reducers having tried every over-the-counter brand as well as a few prescription jobbies. However, ever since I started using my ionizer a month ago, I have not had the need to take a single acid reducer. More importantly, I sleep better (not perfect, but much better). However, the other benefit from using the ionizer is just as dramatic and something I never expected. I had complained to doctors for many years that I was never able to exercise for more than twenty minutes at a time nor exercise more than two or three times a week even though every doctor would tell me to exercise more. It seemed that my muscles and lungs would reach exhaustion after twenty minutes of exercising and it was practically impossible for me to exercise two days in a row. However, since using my ionizer, I am able to not only exercise five or six times a week, but also exercise longer (up to 40 min.) each time. Obviously, it was the higher pH and the additional oxygen from the ionized water that made the tremendous difference. Maybe you ought to tell Barry Bonds."
_____________ Thomas , New Orleans.

"I purchased my Genesis as a Christmas gift for my husband. I know the health benefits are there but the most noticable is that the water just tastes so much better than our tap water or water through a "Brita" filter. Another amazing benefit is the effect on my house plants. I save the discharge water and use it to water my plants. My cyclamen, peace lilly, and African violets are all flowering as never before - they are loaded with blooms. The greenery is healthy and lush. I never expected this result. Anyone with house plants will be thrilled with the side benefit of the an alkaline, ionized water."
__________ Pamela Haukaas , Hawaii.

"My experience stems from a close family member with cancer and a quick education on how cancer cells tend to react to a alkaline environment in the body. I purchased a unit and did a ph test on my wife and I before we started using the new alkaline filtering system. I tested fair and the wife was acidic. We began the use of the alkaline water for drinking, cooking, etc. along with good diet and vitamin supplementation. In approximately two months we retested our ph levels and the wife and I both improved our ph substantially. Unfortunately our family member was diagnosed too late with their cancer for anything to help. But, I have a cat that has cancer and the vet wanted to put her down in February of this year but we needed time to accept his recommendation. We put her on a better diet and began giving her only alkaline water and four months later her strength and appetite is returning along with the reduced swelling of her glands caused by the cancer. Was it the alkaline water??? All I know is my cat is living a fairly normal life four months after her vets recommendation to terminate her life. I am not a doctor and have no formal education concerning medical issues, all I know is my body and my family members have seemed to benefit from lots of alkaline water, good eating habits and appropriate vitamin supplements. I will continue to drink healthy for life!"
___________ Randy Webb, Wisconsin.

"I had read about the importance of pH balancing, and even about a healing resort in Switzerland with natural moutain stream water with a pH of 9 (a little alkaline) that has healed many people of a variety of diseases. I measured the pH of my tap water to be a pH of 6 (slightly acidic), and my reverse-osmosis water to be a pH of 5.5 (more acidic!). I bought my Genesis water ionizer because I was concerned about health problems caused by drinking and cooking with this water. I set it to output with a pH of 9, and my wife and I use it for all drinking and cooking water. I found that I craved this water and drank more water over the day than before because it tasted so good. After a few days, we both noticed that our feces was dark and goopy, but there was no discomfort. This continued for about a month, and then our feces went back to normal. Since the same thing happened to both of us, and the water was the only thing we changed, we knew it was the water that caused this cleansing effect. We were surprised to get this effect since we had both been taking Primal Defense probiotic for several years. We both feel better after having switched to the Genesis water ionizer."
_____________ Jeremy, Sacramento, CA.

"Purchasing the Genesis purifer has been one of the best decisions I have made for my family. After I had tried the alkaline water on two occasions, I had wanted to purchase one. The water is is so easy to stay hydrated because it tastes so good! We cook with it, we make our coffee with it and we notice that even our "green" drinks mix up differently, the greens stay in suspension in the drink, and it tastes good! I use the acid water on anything that I want to deodorize and it works...water bottles, sponges, dishcloths, etc. no longer smell stagnant. I love my Genesis and would recommend this purifer to everyone!"
________________ Jolene, Toledo, Ohio.

"One of the first things I noticed with the Genesis purifier mode was when I had used it as a water supply for my Salt Water Aquarium. These fish are notoriously delicate and susceptable to water comntaminants. I kept having problems with keeping my fish alive, but after switching from tap water to the purified water out of the Genesis, my fish were surviving. I then figured that if the tap water was slowly killing my fish, what could it be doing to us who drink it daily? Now, I drink almost all my water from the Genesis. Thanks Water for Life USA!"
_______________ TR, Carmichael, CA.

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History of KYK Alkaline Water Ionizers

1) Company : KYK Co., Ltd
2) 25 years Experience (founded 1982)
3) Based out of Seoul, Korea
4) 35 Employees
5) Yearly sales amount: about $10 million
6) Production: between 15,000 units and 20,000 units monthly
7) Main line of business: Residential, commercial and industrial water ionizers for a home.
8) Main market in Korea: wholesaler, TV homeshopping Channel like QVC, mail order, Internet shopping mall...
9) Exported nations: USA(Water For Life USA LLC), UK (Pannonia Ltd), Dubai, Thailand etc..
10) Position in Korea: KYK is in the first ranking in a field of selling water ionizer in Korea.

KYK President Kim Young Kwi with Water for Life USA owner Alderin Ordell and their agent Gold Kim.

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Water for life USA is proud to be teamed up with KYK Ionizers based in Seoul, Korea. In Seoul, KYK consists of two factories and a central office.

Inside the KYK factory in Seoul, Korea.  Also, KYK water technicians Hyun-Jong, Park and Mun-Jo, Jo.

KYK ionizers has been reseraching water and developing water ionizers for twenty five years lead by Dr. Kim Young Kwi. He is a doctor whose passions are natural medicine and water and has written over 60 articles for the weekly newspaper, "World of Water." Kim Young Kwi is also a member of the Functional Water Society in Japan. He writes regular research papers for the National Convention of Science and Technology, has lectured 16 times on the CBS TV program "The Secret Life of Water," and has appeared as a water expert on KBS TV programs.

Dr. Kim Young Kwi's Awards:

Mr. Kim Young Kwi has won many awards for his research and product development. He won the Jang Yeong-sil Science and Culture award for his contribution to national health and betterment of mankind through water research. He won the National Science and Technology award for his research with Dr. Shirahata for their research of the relationship between water and illness. He also won an award from the Ministry of Science and Technology from the Mayor of Seoul for his contributions to the understanding of water and human health.

Mr. Kim Young Kwi has won the Jang Yeong-sil Science and Culture award, the National Science and Technology award, and the award from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

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KYK Product Awards:

The KYK 7000, 8000, and 9040 have won many product quality and performance awards. The most distinguished was the Grand prize at the National Convention of Science and Technology.

They have also won:

* Grand prize at Golden Brand Product Convention

* Grand prize at Power Brand Product Convention

* Grand prize at Best Brand Product Convention

* Grand prize for customer satisfaction

* The KYK 7000 and 8000 were also chosen as Popular goods in 2004.


The Kim Young Kwi Science company sells over $10,000,000 in water ionizers a year, making them one of the largest water ionizer makers and distributors. Their factory in Seoul, Korea is capable of producing 20,000 units a month.

KYK and the USA:

South Korea, Japan, and China are health conscious countries. Most households already have water ionizers, air ionizers, infared lights and many other important health products. Over the past five years American's are also catching onto such health products and learning about their importance. Water for Life USA was started in 2003 with the goal of becoming a bridge between quality Asian health products and American consumers. Today, we are closer to that dream with our relationship with KYK.

Save $1000s
Top Selling Water Ionizer Compares to other Units selling for $3,000 to $4000

Genisis for $1697.00


Filters only $79

You Save: $1000's

We ship to the Continental US only at this price. Contact Us for other orders. We ship Internationally.

KYK History

More Information


Your Pick of these books:

or choose up to a $20 value from Other books to be found at my Amazon Store
Include your choice in the notes in the checkout process.

Aqua-Chi Professional Massager Book Combo List Price: $1827.00
Aqua-Chi Professional Massager Book Combo Our Special $1597.00
Aqua-Chi Professional and either The Hundred-Year Lie Book or one of my Amazon Books !
You Save over : $200.00 +


Aqua-Chi Standard Massager Book Combo List Price: $1627.00
Aqua-Chi Standard Massager Book Combo Our Special $1397.00
Aqua-Chi Standard and either The Hundred-Year Lie Book or one of my Amazon Books !
You Save over : $200.00 +


Aqua Chi Ion Energy Spa
Professional Model 5400-FB

Aqua Chi Ion Energy Spa
Standard Model 5400

  • 1 Power Pack Unit
  • 2 Modules
  • 2 Connecting cables
  • 20 Spare ring sets
  • Super-Safe GFI plug
  • Rugged Case/Bath Combo
  • Full color manual
  • 60 month warranty
  • Bonus DVD Video Guide
  • 1 Power Pack Unit
  • 1 Modules
  • 1 Connecting cables
  • 2 Spare ring sets
  • Super-Safe GFI plug
  • Rugged Case/Bath Combo
  • Full color manual
  • 60 month warranty
  • Bonus DVD Video Guide

We ship to the Continental US only at this price. Contact Us for other orders. We ship Internationally.


Distributor Inquiries
Distributor inquires are welcome. . .

Do not miss out on this great opportunity to sell the product you love
Contact Us Now

Combo Details and 3-Step Therapy


Love Is In the Air. Give the Gift of Health. Gift of Health Detox Spa. The Hundred-Year Lie Book with every order! Get Yours Today

In all your gift giving give the gift of health

All Ionic Detox Spas work on basically the same principle. They differ mainly on bells and whistles. We have several models for you to choose from to meet your budget. Check the Products page for more.

I have had great success with detox spas. I have not had great success with the suppliers. That has changed. I now recommend the Aqua-Chi. Why? 5-Year Warranty, 6+ Years in business, Healing energy from power supply tuned to the water module (like Schauman wave energy)

B.E.F.E. (Bio Electric Field Enhancement) Detox Spas are the fountain of youth!

Aqua-Chi has been in business for over 6 years. 1st Foot Spa device made in North America and established in 2000. The Aqua-Chi comes with a FIVE (5) YEAR WARRANTY.

"Since using the Aqua-Chi Machine during my 2002 tour, I have had no jet-lag and an excess of energy."

-Rock star Roger Daltrey of "The Who"

Aging is primarily our systems overloaded with toxins. We are 70% water or more. Our body's defense to toxic overload (which we are all exposed to) is to add water, burn it, and/or surround it in fat. Remove the toxins, reduce/recover from the aging, remove the edema, remove the fat.

"I bought this B.E.F.E. machine not too long ago, about a month ago. I am so grateful; it is beyond words. It is saving my life as we speak. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart." Tom Nichols, June 9th 2006

I have had lymph edema in my left leg since I was 13 years old. For the first time in a long time the swelling is beginning to go down. I'm really excited about the results. I believe the foot massager makes a big difference as well. Linda, September 10, 2006

Healthy Is Beautiful

Follow David Black's, The Health Detoxor and America's Dr of Detoxology

    Simple Three Step Detox Therapy
    (Drink Detox Tea and Activated Mineral Water while following this 3-step Process)
  1. 10-30 minutes with Miracle Foot Pulse Massager (Energizes major organs to release toxins into the lymphatic system)
  2. 30-40 minutes with Aqua-Chi Detox Spa (Assists the body in removing toxins through the lymphatic system)
  3. 10-30 minutes with Miracle Foot Pulse Massager (Energizes the body after the toxins have moved through it to help you not feel tired.)

Achieve Optimum Health In the Comfort of Your Living Room

Click Here to Invest in Your Health Now

The Three Step Detox Therapy Program Starts with One of Our Detox Systems starting as low as $497.00 1-5 yr. warranty, POSITIVE and NEGATIVE Ions, 2 - wire Arrays/Water Module

The perfect companion to your healthy healing regimen.

I use this equipment as I sip my apple cider vinegar tea and mineral water.

Our Healing System Includes the Following Equipment:

NEW! 1 Aqua-Chi Professional Foot and Bath Spa
Compare To: Bio Cleanse, The Original IonCleanse, Aqua Detox, BEFE, and other ionic foot and bath cleansing units.
Make Your Own Combos - Click Here - Use this combo coupon code for $100 off - DBRSPA100 (only good for making your own combos! min 2 items for $1000 or more) Other combos available with the Ion Cleanse, Body Balance System Renovati's, and the OJUVE, call 435-580-4841 or contact me for details

Buy today and make no payments for 3 months thanks to PayPal!
You will need to follow this link and get the money from PayPal first before ordering. Apply for the amount you need. After Paypal approves you, come back and checkout, make sure and check the paypal payment option.


Call 435-580-4841 for more information




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Get Pain Relief NOW!

Use this and get a telegram from your body!

News Flash! This just in from a satisfied eBay auction customer:

Wonderful purchase, has cured in 24 hrs. my problems with heelspurs thankx sheddy Sep-15-05 17

Click Here to see what others are saying. Please consider purchasing through eBay store if this feedback influences you to purchase at all.

Will you be one of those who takes charge of their greatest possession, their body?

When the rich feel rotten, this is what they use!

Let me tell you my story:

I want to tell you my story for several reasons:

  1. I want you to believe there is hope. There are ways to help your body heal itself. You or someone you know is in ill health. That is why you are here. So I offer hope first.
  2. In providing the details of my success, I hope it will help you believe. I offer belief in yourself and your body to heal secondly.
  3. I provide my phone number up front 435-580-4841. If you do not believe you can help your body heal, if you just want to hear it from my own lips, if you just need a friend who has been "through it," call me. That is why my number is here.

What I am not here to do is get your sympathy. My story and my family's story is what I know. When others provide me with their story, their phone number, their permission to put it here, then I will do that. Until then, I hope you will find our story and our friendship strength enough to stay on your path of healing.

PS: Our friendship is freely given whether you buy our products or not .

PPS: There are those in marketing and other cliché groups that will take a look at this site and say it is "unprofessional" "amateur" etc. I have it that way on purpose. I want you to know I am just the same as you. I am fighting to get my health back just as you. I am not some large health company with a big budget to make my site have all the polish, all the aplomb. This site is for you. The information is for you. The products are for you. If you have a suggestion that I could do to improve it, call me or send your suggestion to me from my question form at the bottom of the page. You could also use my Contact Us form. I am glad to hear what you have to say. I promise I will respond back to every contact, every question. Bless You All! May Good Health Find You Safe, Secure, and Satisfied.

Here is a summary of benefits I have received (I consider myself about 50% healed from what I was):
  • Lost over 50 lbs
  • Lost over 10 inches on waist
  • Improved overall health including libido
  • Hair has gone to color I had as a young boy, strawberry blonde
  • Diabetes has calmed back down to borderline instead of needing blood sugar controlling drugs
  • Rough Skin has softened - No more cracked bleeding sores - No more peeling skin around nails
  • Mental acuity has strengthened
  • I rest better at night. I do not need to get up so often
  • It is easier to get to sleep and stay to sleep
  • Energy Levels have increased
  • Arthritis is basically gone
  • Kidneys are feeling better
  • Heart and Liver pains almost entirely gone
  • Other aches and pains mostly gone


Click Here to Invest in Your Health Now

Elements of my Health Regimen:

  • Active Ionic and Omica Plus in everything I drink. I take mega doses of it, sometimes as much as 20 droppers full a day of each
  • Whey Protein Shakes with psyllium seeds fiber, Aloe Vera powder, etc.
  • Detox Tea, Braggs ACV (apple cider vinegar) cocktail in herb tea
  • Apple cider vinegar rubs before I take a shower, especially in my hair. An all over body rub is best. Let it dry before showering if you can.
  • Miracle Foot Electro-Wave Massager Reflexology Sessions at least 2 per week
  • B.E.F.E. Detox Spa Sessions at least 2 per week
  • Frequency Generator Sessions at least 2 per month
  • EnerGels Target Pain Erasers - 1 over my heart, 1 over my liver, 1 under my water jar in the fridge to energize the mineral water
  • Magnetic shoe insoles
  • Magnetic sauna belt 24/7
  • Colon Therapy - At least 1 per year
  • Mini Trampoline - to exercise and stimulate the lymphatic system
  • Stay away from junk food. Do not mix acid and alkaline foods. I do this by not eating starches with proteins.
  • Electrolyte Stamina packs in most my drinks including the Detox teas and the wakeup juice
  • NEW - Dr. Miller's Holy Tea 3-4 cups per day
  • New - MMS Miracle. Kills fungus, virus, bacteria in you
  • New - Doctors and Herbs? Yes!
  • New Space Age Way to Exercise - Whole Body Vibration
  • Kevin Trudeau weightloss tea with WakeUp juice at least 2 times per week in the morning. This is an herb and protein combination. It usually contains green tea powder.
  • Garlic and peppers in almost everything I eat
  • Genesis EMF protection cards on my monitor and cell phone (New EMR protection and battery booster $37 contact me)
  • Peaceful uplifting lectures and music 24/7
  • Stress reduction practices to minimize fight or flight reactions which keep the body always in panic mode shutting down many needed functions to keep healthy
  • Fresh green vegetable powder - Dr. Howard's is the best
  • Fresh fruit powder - Again I believe Dr. Howard's is the best
  • I am always experimenting and trying new things: current projects - FUN UNLIMITED'S Power Pops Bee Natural Tabs, Protein 5, MaxGXL added to LifeTime Plus6
  • Future Experiments: (Focusing on cleansing colon) (New - Original Blue Board $297 contact me)

DB Research, LC has been in the technology business since 1985. We  have specialized in the health and nutrition industry.

 So, why are we selling health products you ask?

To answer that question we must give you some  history of the founder of DB Research, LC, David Black.

 About nine years  ago David got very sick by pushing himself too hard trying to climb the corporate ladder. He went to the doctors. He was diagnosed with  mononucleosis. David was told to go home go to bed and make the best of it. He  was told that if he stayed in bed for a solid month he might heal enough to  work a desk job.

Here is the remainder of the story in David's own words,

I never gave up

"I  had a large family to care for, what was I going to do? I was flat in bed for  over 9 months. I never gave up though. That is when I started on my own path  of self diagnosis and healing. Since then I have been on a constant errand to  heal my own body.

My heart and my liver have caused me constant pains all my life

I found out I have had a liver disease I have had all my  life. In fact my liver has caused me constant pains all my life, just as my  heart has. I remember as a boy thinking I had two hearts because I had pains  in both sides of my chest. I knew the left side was my heart. I did not know  the right side was my liver. I just ignored them most of the time because the pains were short back then.

It all caught up with me when I pushed my body too far in an attempt to climb up the corporate ladder.  The mononucleosis  was not a good thing for my pre existing liver condition either. I did have extreme bouts of pain and fatigue.

Even after I went back to work after the 9 months being bedridden I had these terrible sessions of pain.  When they  were the worst, it felt as if someone was scraping the bone marrow out of the  insides of my bones. I felt as if I had a terrible flu were my muscles and  joints just ached.

Nothing seem to help much

Nothing seem to help much. It seemed that all the good  nutrition, minerals, and herbs were not really getting to my cells. I just had  to go rest. Needless to say it was hard to keep a good job.

Now, I work at  home so I can work when I feel well. I can also rest when I need to. These  health products I recommend and sell have all helped me.

The ones that consistently help

Unlike others, they  are the ones that have consistently helped me. In July of 2005 I was able to get two high tech health units, the Miracle Foot Massager and the B.E.F.E. Foot  Detox Spa, the Detox Spa Combo System. I was so impressed with these units I  became a distributor for them. These two units have helped me loose over 50  lbs. I lost over 10 inches on my waist.  My hair is strawberry blonde  like it was when I was a boy.

This Detox Spa Combo System has really made a  great difference in a short time for my wife, myself and others. The activated  ionic minerals have help take the pain away. The pain eraser EnerGels pad energizes the water I drink. I do not have those terrible painful sessions  anymore. Dr. Howard's Balance of Nature has helped me level out my blood  sugars while getting the daily recommended dosages of fruits and vegetables all in a few concentrated pills I take everywhere."


Click Here to Invest in Your Health Now

(DB Research, LC Products and Services: B.E.F.E. Detox Foot Spa, B.E.F.E. Standard Foot Spa, B.E.F.E. Water Module,  Miracle ElectroWave Foot Massager, DB Research's Healing Relieving Detox  Miracle System, Active Ionic activated ionic trace minerals, Omica Plus fulvic acid plant ionic minerals, EnerGels Pocket Pain Eraser, VivaTouch bio-interactive analysis, internet marketing for health  and nutrition, database backends for web portals, web development, search  engine services, press releases, public service  announcements.)

When I find something that works, I hang onto it

You see I have been on a personal uphill struggle to restore my health from nine months of being flat on my back to where I am now working at home 10-20 hrs a day if I choose or not working a day or so if I choose. When I find something that works, I hang onto it. It is peddle to the metal because I want to get better.

We could visibly see stuff, a lot of stuff, in the water

I found out about the BEFE foot spas when my wife went to a local health professional who had my wife use one of these units. She used it about 12 times over a 3 month period. It helped her skin soften. She lost inches. Her feet stopped itching. We could visibly see stuff, a lot of stuff, in the water she appeared to get rid of. This was way cool to me.


I had to get one of these foot spas

I had to get one of these foot spas. I asked the lady how much they cost. She said $1200, but she had a local guy build her the one she had for $600. But it did not work very well. She had to keep sending it to him to service. I did not like the design because there was exposed wires that you had to hook large alligator clips to. I have small children in my home. I could just imagine them getting hurt from these exposed wires and cables. So I went looking for something better.

That was two years ago. I looked and looked. Finally I found these B.E.F.E. units. I bought one. I liked them so much I became a distributor for the company. Now I am sharing my hours of research with you.

This unit and the Miracle Acupuncture Foot Massage have definitely helped me. I love to use the Foot Massager first thing in the morning and last thing at night. My wife and I have even lost inches around our waist. In the morning they are relaxing as I meditate. I use them in the evening to help calm my troubled body so I can go to sleep. Great for the whole family. Even the teenagers are using them! My wife and children all take turns. With this new acupuncture massaging technology, you will feel better than ever. Great for pain relief. Use this as part of a double barreled shotgun approach to your own health renewal. Use the Foot Massager first then use the Foot Spa immediately afterwards every 48-72 hrs. You will be amazed at the results. Read what other health professionals have experienced below:


Click Here to Invest in Your Health Now

First Unit: Aqua-Chi Professional Foot, Hand and Bath Spa

Aquachi Machines

Aqua-Chi Ion Energy Spa
Professional Model 5400-FB

  • 1 Power Pack Unit
  • 2 Modules
  • 2 Connecting cables
  • 20 Spare ring sets
  • Super-Safe GFI plug
  • Rugged Case/Bath Combo
  • Full color manual
  • 60 month warranty - FIVE (5) YEAR WARRANTY
  • Bonus DVD Video Guide


Second Unit: NO Longer Available (Sorry) I will keep searching for a replacement


The Pulse Relaxation Foot Massager through the use of precise electrical points will promote and restore blood circulation and pain relief. After a few weeks, you'll feel the difference throughout your entire body.

After 12 years of research and development in China, Japan and Taiwan, with the leading acupuncture and acupressure doctors, the health product of the century was invented: The Miracle Foot Acupuncture. This electro-reflexologist will promote your health and give you a more pleasant life. Using 36 points of acupressure on each foot, this product, without pain, and for 5-min. a day, will assuage 72 different 21st century adult bodily health problem areas.

Doctors acknowledge that electrical shocks, if administered correctly, restore and maintain proper blood circulation throughout the body.

The Miracle Foot Acupuncture, through the use of precise electrical points, will improve blood circulation not only in a person's feet, but also in his entire anatomy as a result of its all-encompassing effects. Acupressure of the feet is based on the scientifically researched notion that pressure applied to specific points on these extremities benefits other parts of the body.

It's a method of massage that relieves nervous tension through the application of acupuncture pressure to the feet. When blood circulation is properly restored, aches and pains in the limbs and spine are naturally reduced. The Miracle Foot Acupuncture is the safe method to relieve pain by addressing the root of the problem: proper blood flow. It has a comprehensive control board with an LED (light-emitting diode) electric wave gauge, time displayer, body intensity displayer, and sole intensity displayer.

It also has an automatic function which enables a person to sit back and relax while the foot massager does its work. The human engineered, rubber-pointed foot pads are designed for virtually any feet size. We're offering a 30-day in store credit/exchange guarantee on the Miracle Foot Acupuncture product, giving you ample time to test it and see improvement of your bodily health within 5 days of use. Simple programming takes only a few seconds, and then 5-min of use per day will enhance your well-being. Thousands of people are using it to their benefit. And now it's available for the first time in the United States. This product is not to be used by people with pacemakers, pregnant women, or children under 12 years old. AC Adaptor included.

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  • 1 Power Pack Unit
  • 1 Modules
  • 1 Connecting cables
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Water's Role in the Body

Water helps nearly every part of the human body function. Considering that our bodies are almost two-thirds water, understanding water's important role in the body can be a fountain of health. The following are just some of the things water does in the body:

Blood is 92% water, Brain is 75% water, Moderate dehydration can cause headaches and dizziness, Muscles are 75% water, Bones are 22% water, Regulates body temperature, Carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body , Moistens oxygen for breathing, Protects and cushions vital organs, Helps to convert food into energy, Helps body absorb nutrients, Removes waste, and cushions joints

Water needs to be viewed as a living thing and only then can we begin to understand what it really is, and how it affects life. For this very reason we would never use distilled water or water that has been treated by reverse osmosis for a B.E.F.E. treatment. People who consume large amounts of distilled or reverse osmosis water run the risk of becoming anemic and low on energy because the damaged water will take your energy in an effort to try to reanimate itself. There's a big difference between dead water and living water.

You may not instantly feel or see your body healing, but you will feel better!

Remember this. (Philippians 4:13) "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (God Helps those who help themselves!)


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Here are some books that are great resources on combining herbs with detox sessions:
Other books and health products can be found at my Amazon Store

1. The Herb Book (Paperback) by Dr. John Lust - Explains in detail how to use herbs with hand and foot baths
2. Health Secrets of Plants and Herbs (Paperback) by the French author Maurice Messegue - Years of research on hand and foot baths
3. Hydrotherapy: Water Therapy for Health and Beauty (Paperback) (Health Essentials S. ) by Leon Chaitow
4. Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About (Hardcover) by Kevin Trudeau
5. More Natural Cures Revealed by Kevin Trudeau
6. Detoxify or Die (Paperback) by Sherry A. Rogers
7. Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call (Paperback) by Doris Rapp
8. The Toxic Time Bomb by Sam Ziff
9. The Hundred-Year Lie : How Food and Medicine Are Destroying Your Health (Hardcover) by Randall Fitzgerald

The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe By Lynne Mctaggart -

The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves By Masaru Emoto -

The Hidden Messages in Water By Masaru Emoto -

The Cure for All Diseases By Hulda Regehr Clark -

The Cure for All Cancers: Including over 100 Case Histories of Persons Cured By Hulda R. Clark -

Of Monkeys and Dragons - Freedom from the Tryanny of Disease -

Listening and Communicating with Energy By Ginger Bowler -

Hanna Kroeger Natural Healer By Ginger Bowler; Ph.D. -

Healing With Herbs and Home Remedies (Hay House Lifestyles) By Hanna Kroeger -

All Hanna Kroeger Books -

Hanna's Workshop By Rev Hanna Kroeger -

Free Your Body of Tumors and Cysts (Paperback) by Rev Hanna Kroeger -

DB Research Book Store -

The Secret (Extended Edition) Directed by Drew Heriot -

Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires By Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks, Wayne W. Dyer -


Here are some valuable links: (among them the link for the Redmond Real Salt):

Skidboot -
Free Hugs -
EPFX Biofeedback Stress Removal -
MaxGXL Nature's Super AntiOxidant -
Redmond RealSalt - Mineral SeaSalt -
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar -
Detox Tea Formula -
Color Chart -
Melaleuca Disinfectant -
Vinegar of the 4 Thieves -
Thieves Herbs Pre Mixed -
Mamma's (and Family's) Red Raspberry Tea Mix -
Abundant Life Water -  Tell them David Black sent you!
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe -
Ancient Wisdom Essential Oils -
My Friends Forums -
AdlandPro Merilyn's Lessons on Life -
Source for Extra Miracle Foot Massager Pads -  - get the snap 2" or 3"

3-Step Detox Therapy and Detox Equipment Buyers Guide - 
A Short Bio - 
Ali Miller -
Detox Business - 
Detox Spa -
Get Fit Via Your Feet Article - 
Illness Leads Man To Detoxify -
Internet Promotions AdlandPro -
Who Else Wants Ginger? -

DB Research, LC - David aka DrDA, The Health Detoxor, America's Dr of Detoxology Links

  1.  435-580-4841 -
  2. eBay
  3.  Remove Stress through Professor William Nelson's Biofeedback Energetic Medicine
  4. Genesis Water Ionizer/Alkanizer - 5 Year Warranty!
  5. Create water from air, purified water. Amazing! - Its called the Xziex
  6. Cell Phone Battery Booster Micro Chip Over 90% Protection PLUS 20% Battery Boost
  7. MaxGXL look ^ feel ^ live to the Max! -
  8.  - 1 wk sample $20
  9. Health Resource Center -
  10. Holy Tea - Amazing Results - Weightloss -
  11. Amazon
  12. iHerbs Super Health Store - Grest Deals on the Best Natural Health Products
  13. MMS Miracle. Kills fungus, virus, bacteria in you -
  14. Doctors and Herbs? Yes! -
  15. New Space Age Way to Exercise - Whole Body Vibration
  16. FUN Unlimited - Life is too short - Have FUN -
  17. Get back from the Banks

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