Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.
February 4, 2017
Summary: A valuable webpage providing information about 856 government funded racial entitlement programs for the exclusive benefit of "Native Hawaiians" was disrupted but has now been partially restored. Several other webpages on the same topic are also available. All these programs, valued into the Billions of dollars, are paid for by tax dollars from the governments of the United States and the State of Hawaii. It is likely that these programs are unconstitutional. Some have been challenged in state and federal courts. Thus far the lawsuits to dismantle them have been dismissed on technical procedural issues including "standing" and the "political question" doctrine. However, those dismissals never reached the merits of these cases. Thus all these programs remain available as targets for future civil rights lawsuits based on the 14th Amendment equal protection clause and other arguments. Keep in mind that this compilation pertains only to government programs funded by taxpayers, and does not include enormous privately funded programs such as Kamehameha Schools (Bishop Estate) which alone is worth $10-15 Billion, Lili'uokalani Childrens Trust, and many others. More recently, the U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Native Hawaiian Relations, has published a 217-page list of federal programs and grants for ethnic Hawaiians.
The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement held a celebratory press conference and sent out an email to all its members, supporters, and news media on May 5, 2022 immediately following the final adjournment of the Hawaii legislature regular session of 2022 listing bills passed this year sending state government money worth more than a BILLION dollars to government agencies and philanthropic groups for racially exclusive or race-based programs for benefit of "Native Hawaiians." Virtually every one of these programs requires beneficiaries to fill out a form stating that they are "Native Hawaiian" and, usually, providing proof of that racial identity. Here is the press release gloating at the total dollar value of nearly 1.1 BILLION dollars, including a list of the agencies and organizations and how much money each of them is receiving.
A Historic Year For Native Hawaiians
The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) today joined lawmakers and community organizations at the State Capitol to celebrate the Legislature’s approval of a historic package of bills benefiting Native Hawaiians, with more than a billion dollars in total funding for Native Hawaiian programs.
CNHA Chief Executive Officer Kūhiō Lewis released the following statement:
Decades from now, we will look back on the 2022 Legislative Session as a watershed year for Native Hawaiians. With more than a billion dollars approved for Native Hawaiian programs – the most the State of Hawaiʻi has ever provided to Native Hawaiians in a single year – this is the kind of funding that will result in generational and systemic change for our people. Moreover, the Legislature was able to pass a bill that will dramatically improve the state’s management of Maunakea, which has been one of the most pressing issues for our people for decades. A legislative session that so meaningfully addresses historical Native Hawaiian injustices could only have been accomplished with courageous leadership. On behalf of our community and members, CNHA extends a warm mahalo to Senate President Ronald Kouchi, House Speaker Scott Saiki, Senate Ways and Means Chair Donovan Dela Cruz, House Finance Chair Sylvia Luke, the Native Hawaiian Legislative Caucus, and all the lawmakers who provided kōkua. Finally, we urge Governor David Ige to sign these bills into law.
CNHA is honored to be part of this historic year, which yielded the following legislative successes for Native Hawaiians:
* HB2511 - $600 million to DHHL to pursue a multi-pronged approach to eliminating its waitlist.
* HB3041 - $335 million to settle the Kalima lawsuit.
* SB2021 - $64 million to the office of Hawaiian affairs for a portion of the income and proceeds from the public land trust.
* HB2024 - $14 million for the startup and transition planning costs for the Mauna Kea Stewardship and oversight authority. Appropriates $350,000 for K-12 public education programs in astronomy-related fields of learning.
* SB3357 - A CNHA initiative providing $2 million in grants to improve Native Hawaiian economic well being and culture.
* HB1600 - State Budget Act, includes the following:
* $10 million for planning and development for DHHL homesteads.
* $2 million to support the mission of ʻlolani Palace.
* $10 million for capital improvements to Bishop Museum.
* $7.5 million to support programming and operations of the Bishop Museum.
* $38 million to address staffing, recruitment, training, and provide Hawaiian language immersion for students. Also includes funds for classroom renovations.
* $2.9 million and fourteen positions for the ʻImi Loa Immersion Program at UH Hilo
* $117,019 for the Papahana o Kaiona Alternative Learning Program, which provides integrated traditional and culture education programs.
* $400,000 for operating expenses for the Kahoʻolawe Island Reserve.
* $200,000 to support the ʻAha Moku Advisory Committee.
* HB1894 - Facilitates traditional Native Hawaiian burial practices by including water cremation in the treatment and disposal of human remains.
* HB1768 - Removes some of the hurdles for Mahiʻai to obtain water for traditional and customary kalo cultivation.
* HB2466 - Taro cultivation tax exemption.
* HR130 - Apologizing to the Native Hawaiian people for prohibiting the use of Hawaiian language in Hawaiʻi schools from 1896 to 1986.
* SCR121 - Urging the counties and the state to work with Huamakahikina and kumu hula to establish policies protecting hula.
* Grant-In-Aid Recipients: (*indicates CNHA members)
* Hālau Keʻalaokamaile, $881,600 - To construct a Cultural Resource Training Center in Piʻiholo, Makawao, Maui, to create a permanent physical home for the community to learn, honor, and embody the legacy of Hawaiian knowledge.
* Homestead Community Development Corp., $200,000 - To fund the installation of solar voltaic panels on its certified kitchen in Anahola, Kauaʻi, which serves Kauaʻi business owners in the production of food products that comply with state health requirements.
* Honolulu Habitat for Humanity, $250,000 - To build a four-bedroom, ADA compliant transitional home to accommodate partner families while their permanent homes are being constructed or renovated.
* IHS, The Institute for Human Services, Inc., $1.6 Million - To ensure the successful launch of its Homeless Triage and Transfer Program, which will provide temporary respite and care for Oʻahu’s most vulnerable, unsheltered homeless adults as they transition to appropriate shelter, care, and housing programming.
* IHS, The Institute for Human Services, Inc., $350,000 - For IT systems upgrades, as well as the purchase of safe furniture and fixtures for its Homeless Triage and Transfer Program.
* Kumano i ke Ala o Makaweli, $200,000 - To develop a master plan to maximize use of 22 acres of agricultural land in Waimea and Makaweli, Kauaʻi, for kalo and other food production, as well as education programs centered on traditional agriculture and cultural education for West Kauaʻi youth.
* Makana O Ke Akua Inc., $250,000 - To support its mission of providing clean and sober transitional living for men in recovery on Oʻahu.
* Nā Kama Kai, $259,000 - To design, develop, and implement an Ocean Safety teacher professional development course for teachers in the Department of Education to increase ocean safety awareness and to reduce drownings across the state.
* Paʻa Pono Miloliʻi, $130,850 - To cover the first year of operating expenses for the Miloliʻi Community Enrichment and Historical Center, which will address the community’s needs through educational and recreational programming for youth and adults, as well as providing a permanent covered community center that can serve as a gathering space, historical library, and certified kitchen.
* Partners in Development Foundation, $300,000 - To support the Kupa ʻĀina Natural Farming Project, located at the Kawailoa Youth and Family Wellness Center in Kailua, Oʻahu, which seeks to create a path towards sustainable natural farming, reconnecting with traditional Hawaiian practices, rehabilitate youth, and educate the community.
* ʻUhane Pōhaku Nā Moku O Hawaiʻi, Inc., $220,000 - To provide programming in agriculture, fishing, and traditional hale building, for at-risk youth in Kaʻu to build skills and self-esteem, connect with community, and inspire them to share their attained knowledge with others.
* Ulu Aʻe Learning Center, $149,000 - To provide children in the Kapolei and ʻEwa regions of Oʻahu with culturally grounded, out-of-school opportunities including daily access to tutoring and help with homework, cultural programming to increase knowledge and skills in Hawaiian practices, and land stewardship at historic and significant sites within their community.
* Waiʻanae Community Redevelopment Corporation, $325,000 - To support the mission of MAʻO Organic Farms through the purchase of two automated produce wash lines that will increase the volume of fresh produce supplied to the community and serve as a workforce training vehicle for MAʻO interns and mahiʻai.
* Waiʻanae Economic Development Council, $315,000 - To expand business development services on the Waianae Coast by extending services and support to low and moderate income business owners, and adding services to incubate and support emerging businesses.
* Waiohuli Hawaiian Homesteaders Association, Inc., $170,000 - To create, implement and manage a master economic development plan; and To establish custom-fit economic development training programs to promote jobs and small business opportunities derived from developing a master planned community on Hawaiian Homelands.
TOTAL: $1,091,717,469
CNHA is a member-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to enhance the cultural, economic, political, and community development of Native Hawaiians. For more information, visit
As of April 1, 2011 a Grassroot Institute of Hawaii webpage had identified and described 856 racial entitlement programs exclusively for the benefit of "Native Hawaiians." The webpage was apparently vandalized at some point, and also damaged when the entire Grassroot Institute website was reorganized.
Portions of the front page of the original webpage, including some clickable links, have been relocated to
A valuable place to click is
"4 Hawaiians Only Grant List -- Download HERE!" taking you to
which is an excel spreadsheet displaying
856 grants totaling approximately $322,220,808.
Approximate Federal spending: $265,666,125
Approximate State spending: $56,554,683
and if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of that list you will see an unexplained total figure of $1,021,373,536.00
Going back to the front page
Clicking "Search the database"
leads to a mostly empty display but with valuable clickable links at the bottom and in the left margin.
The tiny search window at the left is very useful. For example, put into the search window OHA and scroll down past all the error messages to see the search results which provide the names of individual grants plus URLs of pdf files. You can copy/paste any one of those URLs to download the pdf file which gives information about what the grants were for. Start over with the search window and try other things, like maybe NHLC (Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation) or Alu Like, or Papa Ola Lokahi (Native Hawaiian healthcare system), or Na Pua No'eau, etc.
On the left margin you can click on "random page" to see the header for some individual webpage that previously contained detailed information about a particular grant. Click on "random page" again to see another grant. And again. If you find one that interests you, put a keyword or two into the search window and you might strike gold!
The "about" link at the bottom leads to a comment that the webpage was vandalized.
U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Native Hawaiian Relations,
217-page booklet published in 2016 "identifies Federal program and grant opportunities in health, housing, education, and labor for which members of the Native Hawaiian Community and Native Hawaiian organizations may apply. The guide was developed in partnership with Papa Ola Lōkahi, the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA), and the Native Hawaiian Education Council." Download here:
Native Hawaiian Racial Entitlement Programs Valued in the Billions of Dollars -- Description and List of Many [2003-2004]
Spreadsheet listing SOME of the Hawaiian racial entitlement programs during the years 2002 through 2014. The programs in this list totaled $419 Million.
In Summer 2002 attorney H. William Burgess did research for plaintiffs in the Arakaki2 lawsuit showing astonishing amounts of state government money spent for OHA and DHHL. For details, see: "OHA and DHHL Cost to State of Hawai'i Treasury: $1 Billion to Date. Estimate for Next Ten Years: $2 Billion More at the Current Expenditure Rate. See Spreadsheets On This Webpage for Details." Note that the estimate of three billion dollars only covers the period from 2002 to 2012. In more recent years 28,000 people on the waiting list for Hawaiian homesteads have successfully sued the state for enormous amounts in damages, while the courts have ordered the legislature to appropriate vast sums of money for the Department of Hawaiian Homelands.
See also
Tenth anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court decision in Rice v. Cayetano. The February 23, 2000 decision in Hawaii's most important civil rights lawsuit spurred a decade of additional civil rights lawsuits against government and private race-based programs, and prompted racial separatists to seek protection for those programs through the Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill (Akaka bill)
On a related issue (Why are racial entitlement programs created and funded?): See webpage
"Native Hawaiian victimhood -- malpractice in the gathering and statistical analysis of data allegedly showing disproportionate Native Hawaiian victimhood for disease and social dysfunction. How and why the Hawaiian grievance industry uses bogus statistics to scam government and philanthropic organizations, politicians, and public opinion."
Grassroot Institute of Hawaii describes itself as "an independent, nonprofit research and educational institution devoted to promoting the principles of individual liberty, free markets, and limited and accountable government throughout the state of Hawaii and the Pacific Rim. Through the publication of accurate and timely research and commentaries, as well as by organizing events, conferences, and seminars, the Institute seeks to educate and inform Hawaii's policy-makers, news media and the public at large on key public policy issues. Founded in 2001, the Institute’s research and education efforts have helped provide the intellectual foundations for many public policy debates. ... To maintain its role as an independent voice and watchdog, the Grassroot Institute refuses to accept funding from the local, state or federal governments. As an I.R.S. 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, the Grassroot Institute is non-partisan and does not endorse political candidates or parties." See
GRIH did a lot of research during a period from approximately 2006 to 2011 to identify and describe federal and state government grants of tax dollars to programs for the exclusive benefit of "Native Hawaiians." A "Native Hawaiian" is defined as anyone who has at least one ancestor who lived in Hawaii before Captain Cook's arrival in 1778; i.e., anyone with at least one drop of Hawaiian native blood.
GRIH produced a webpage which listed all government-funded programs it could find that were racially exclusive "For [ethnic] Hawaiians only." A subpage for each program provided the source and number of dollars in the grant, the stated purpose of the grant, and often additional information such as whether there were reports measuring the effectiveness of the program in achieving its goals [hardly ever!], and links to any webpages about the program produced by its administrators, or news reports, etc.
As of April 1, 2011 the GRIH webpage had identified and described 856 programs on a webpage
During the years following the retirement of founding President Richard Rowland, GRIH reorganized and expanded its administrative structure and website. During the reorganization several valuable webpages were either vandalized, disrupted, or lost. The largest one of those, with the most complex structure, was "For Hawaiians Only."
Portions of the "For Hawaiians Only" webpage have been recovered, allowing researchers access to some valuable information.
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