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Watson part 1 -- How racism in Hawaii is different from racism on the mainland, and why racist rhetoric that is intellectually oriented and nice-sounding can be dangerous if left unchallenged.

Note: This is part 1 of a larger webpage. The larger webpage is entitled "Dialogs with a racist -- Bringing to public awareness the explicit, enthusiastic, and unapologetic racism of Trisha Kehaulani Watson, a featured blogger on the public website of the largest circulation newspaper in Hawaii." To see that larger webpage, go to

1. How racism in Hawaii is different from racism on the mainland, and why racist rhetoric that is intellectually oriented and nice-sounding can be dangerous if left unchallenged.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, headed by Morris Dees, is an important civil rights organization focusing on racial hate crime. Most of their attention is directed toward activities of the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazi skinheads, and other groups throughout America that engage in violence against individuals or institutions targeted specifically and primarily because they are Jews, African-Americans, homosexuals, etc. SPLC publishes a quarterly magazine called "Intelligence Report" providing news reports about individual hate crimes, and the ongoing activities of the hate-groups that perpetrate them. Larry Keller is a researcher and writer for the SPLC. In the Summer 2009 edition of "Intelligence Report" he published an article entitled "From Hate to Hurt," describing his research about how racial hate-rhetoric incites racial hate-crime. Everyone has a Constitutional right to freedom of speech, so racists are free to spew whatever hate-speech they wish. But hate-speech has a way of stirring up resentment, then anger, then rage. Some people whose rage has been strongly aroused might then feel it is their right and their duty to carry out acts of violence against the targets singled out in the hate speech. See Larry Keller's article at

Like all communities where there is racial hate crime, Hawaii has a continuum of haters running from upper-level abstract theorists to mid-level community organizers to street thugs. The two main differences between Hawaii and the rest of America are: (1) In Hawaii, Caucasians are the primary victim group for racial hate crime; and (2) In Hawaii, the continuum is top-heavy with many many theoreticians, some community organizers who plan street marches and political rallies (sometimes in the thousands), and very few who are flat-out street thugs actually doing the hate crimes against individuals. The low-level thugs no doubt take inspiration from the writings of the high-level theoreticians in the way described by Mr. Keller's research. In Hawaii the theoreticians, community organizaers, and street thugs all have extra fuel added to their fires of hate by politicians who applaud the public rallies and support racial separatist programs; and by reporters and commentators who use their media as megaphones for a constant drumbeat of racial grievance, claims of American colonialism and oppression of ethnic Hawaiians, etc.

One example of a high-level theoretician is Trisha Kehaulani Watson, a beautiful woman with a Ph.D. and J.D. who teaches at the University of Hawaii's flagship campus (Manoa), and who is also a community organizer of a group called Hui Kako'o 'Oiwi (Group Supporting the Hawaiian Race). The daily newspaper with the highest circulation in Hawaii has given her the megaphone of a highly featured online blog, where in 2009 she published several articles that are flat-out racist. Not all essays on Watson's blog are racist. Some are focused on cultural events, and some are political discussions which are not primarily racist. The most flagrantly racist essays, and replies to them, have been gathered on this webpage in the format of dialogs.

Hawaii's hate-rhetoric at the highest levels does not even sound like hate; it's written in a very respectable manner, and cloaked in the language of victims with historical grievances merely trying to bolster racial pride and recover what was illegally and immorally taken from them (allegedly). But the implication is clear: Your beloved ancestors had their nation invaded, their government overthrown, their lands stolen, their language suppressed, etc.; and that nation continues to be occupied to this very day. All those horrible things were done to your beloved ancestors by Caucasians under the auspices of the United States, which keeps sending more Caucasians to live here and more tourists to demean and violate your culture and sacred places. Now doesn't that make you angry? And are you just going to sit there, or are you going to rise up and do something about it?

Skinheads, neo-Nazis and Ku Kluxers on the mainland don't have theoreticians who are so sophisticated and sweet-talking, and they don't have government-run university departments spewing racism to thousands of students who seem to think it's all very respectable. Just imagine what might happen if smooth-talking theoreticians and tycoons of the racial grievance industry, like we have in Hawaii, could be combined with people having head-bashing skills like the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi storm troopers described in the "Intelligence Reports" of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The following webpages are highly recommended because they have a direct bearing on what was discussed above.


Racism in the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement (with special focus on anti-white racism)


Road Rage or Racial Hate Crime? Thinking carefully about an actual incident of racial violence in February 2007, and how such violence can be used as a political tool to bolster demands for Hawaiian sovereignty. Includes extensive quotes directly or indirectly threatening racial violence as a political weapon, by Senator Dan Akaka, Rev. Charles Kauluwehi Maxwell (formerly Chairman of the Hawaii Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights), Rod Ferreira (former Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, and former President of the I Mua Group of Kamehameha Schools Alumni Associations), Professor Haunani-Kay Trask, and others.


Red-Shirt Pro-Apartheid March of September 6, 2004 -- "Die Jugend Marschiert"


Anti-American Hawaiian activist protesters -- photos and links to explanatory webpages


Hawaii Statehood Day 2006 -- Celebration at Old Territorial Capitol Building (Iolani Palace) Disrupted by Hawaiian Ethnic Nationalist Wannabe-Terrorists


Book: "Hawaiian Apartheid: Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State." A webpage providing the entire Chapter 1, and detailed Table of Contents, is at


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(c) Copyright 2009 Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. All rights reserved