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Stop Appeasing Hawaii Racial Separatists

May 27, 2014 by Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.

Approximately 35,000 ethnic Hawaiians have signed the racial registry in the Kana'iolowalu process. An additional 90,000 names were stolen from previous racial registries without their permission and added to the new registry. Every one of those 125,000 people have provided proof of their Hawaiian race. Proof of race was the only proof demanded for any of these registries. The whole thing is all about race. [note 1]

Furthermore, they seek to create a separate government exclusively for their racial group. That makes them racial separatists. Their new government will then demand money and land from an ever-shrinking State of Hawaii; i.e., from all the rest of us.

The 35,000 who directly signed up for the Kana'iolowalu registry signed an official declaration whose first line clearly says "I affirm the unrelinquished sovereignty of the Native Hawaiian people and my intent to participate in the process of self-governance." That means they do not acknowledge the sovereignty of the United States in Hawaii. These are the people who support OHA CEO Kamana'o Crabbe's letter to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding confirmation of their belief that the Kingdom of Hawaii continues to exist as a sovereign independent nation. They say there was no Treaty of Annexation between Hawaii and the U.S. They say the statehood vote of 1959 was improper. However delusional and misguided those belief are, these people are secessionists in addition to being racial separatists.

Most ethnic Hawaiians are proud to be Americans. But some say they are victims of an armed American invasion and 121-year belligerent occupation of their independent nation of Hawaii. Those activists blame the U.S. for the revolution of 1893 that overthrew the Hawaiian monarchial government. People who believe this twisted historical narrative clearly view the U.S. as an enemy and an oppressor of the ethnic Hawaiian people.

It's time for the government of the State of Hawaii to stop its policy of appeasement toward these anti-American racial separatist secessionists. The people of Hawaii should express outrage toward them, and toward the politicians who coddle and appease them. Soon the Roll Commission will publish all their names. Then we should let them know our disapproval of what they are doing, while treating them with the respect they deserve as human beings and the aloha they deserve as our fellow citizens of the United States.

The law sending 20% of ceded land revenue to OHA is not in the state Constitution; it is merely an ordinary law which the legislature should repeal at the earliest opportunity. The legislature should offer a Constitutional amendment, and the voters should approve it, to abolish OHA. The legislature should repeal Act 195 (2011) which authorized the Kana'iolowalu process and Act 77 (2013) which authorized the theft of 90,000 names from previous racial registries. The legislature should pass a resolution urging Congress to repeal the apology resolution (1993), because that's what encouraged the growth of anti-American secessionist attitudes and demands for reparations. [note 2] The legislature should pass a resolution urging Congress to repeal and de-fund all the Hawaiian racial entitlement programs, because addiction to the flow of federal dollars for those programs is what has caused Hawaii's racial entitlements empire to demand federal recognition for a phony Hawaiian tribe as a way to protect those illegal race-based programs against court challenges. [note 3] Let government provide help to needy people based on need alone, not race. If ethnic Hawaiians are truly the neediest people, then they will get most of the help even when help is based on need alone.

Recently we have seen Russia take over Crimea. Now the ethnic Russians living in other parts of eastern Ukraine, and especially the Donetsk region, are demanding ethnic separatism and an ethnic-based government. During the last couple of decades we have seen ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, Darfur, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and other places, with tragic consequences. We must not allow the scourge of ethnic separatism and demands for race-based government to destroy our beloved Hawaii. [note 4]


1. May 2014 progress report on the Kana'iolowalu process and work of the Roll Commission in carrying out the enabling Act 195 (2011) and Act 77 (2013):

2. U.S. apology resolution 20th anniversary -- A resolution was introduced in the Hawaii legislature to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the U.S. apology resolution; and testimony was offered to the Hawaii legislature in the form of a substitute resolution explaining that the apology resolution is filled with falsehoods, has produced bad consequences, and should be repealed. Detailed analysis of the falsehoods in the apology resolution and the bad consequences:

3. The main reason OHA is seeking federal recognition for a phony Hawaiian tribe is addiction to the flow of federal dollars for racial entitlement programs, and a need to protect those illegal programs against court challenges. Oswald Stender, an OHA trustee, clearly stated that's OHA's main motive in an article in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser of May 25, 2014: "Stender said OHA's board of trustees met with the Interior Department earlier this month to discuss obtaining federal recognition to protect Native Hawaiian entitlements from legal challenges. ... Stender said while the goal is self-governance, OHA is asking the federal government only for recognition, not governance. 'All we want to do with the Interior is to get the president to recognize Hawaiians as being indigenous so we can protect our entitlements,' he said in a telephone interview. 'This effort that we're doing now has nothing to do with governance. ... The entitlement issue is very serious and we want to protect these entitlements, so that's the only way do it,' Stender said." How did these racial entitlements get established? Over a period of decades, Hawaii was the only state that had both of its Senators, Dan Inouye and Dan Akaka, serving on the Indian Affairs committee. Why did they serve there when there are no Indian tribes in Hawaii? Every time a bill went through the committee to provide federal megabucks for housing, healthcare, education etc. to all federally recognized tribes, Akaka and Inouye inserted "and Native Hawaiians." It's contrary to the 14th Amendment equal protection clause to give government handouts to racial groups which are not federally recognized tribes. Sooner or later someone who has "standing" will succeed in lawsuits nullifying all those programs unless the phony Hawaiian tribe gets created and recognized. The new strategy is to recognize them as an "indigenous" group even before they create their "tribe", to be sure the job gets done while Obama is still President. The complete newspaper article containing the Oswald Stender quotes and a description of the new rule-making process in the Department of Interior to recognize a Hawaiian tribe is behind a paywall at

4. See 302-page book "Hawaiian Apartheid: Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State" at

** Most of this essay was published in Hawaii Political Info online newspaper on May 27, 2014 at


(c) Copyright May 27, 2014 by Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.

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