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Task 40 completed

Alright, I hate doing this, but some ideas are just too great to pass up. Others are just so difficult (and dangerous) they have to be passed up. Therefore, I'm changing Task 12 from "Hitchhike to Boardman and Back" to "Howard and Peluso Go To White Castle"

Task 17 completed

Task 22 completed

Hitting up every store in NC is impossible, so I changed Task 1.

Also, I changed Task 40 from Piss in the middle of downtown, to Piss off of the parking garage downtown, just to make it a little more interesting. =D
(Expect a quite a few tasks to be completed very soon...)

The List
Note: The Beast is Howard's 26 year old truck
Tasks Completed: 5/50

Click The

1. Spraypaint shmeow on a billboard---
2. Go white water rafting through the creek (mainly downtown)---
3. Get so drunk I pass out and don't remember the night before---
4. Steal something from a bum---
5. Go streaking---
6. Drink moonshine---
7. Steal something from Walmart---
8. Camp Out with 3 supplies---
9. Shake an Amish man's hand---
10. Smash a mom---
11. Road trip---
12. Howard and Peluso Go To White Castle---
13. Win a wing eating contest---
14. Go to big amusement park messed up---
15. Smash in the Beast---
16. Sleep in the Beast---
17. Hotbox the Beast
18. Find, go to, and terrorize Mr. C's house---
19. Threesome---
20. Blow up a port-o-potty---
21. Make napalm---
22. Smoke with Chester (or any bum)
23. Smoke an entire pack of Pall Malls in one day (ew)
24. Go skinny dippin in a public pool---
25. Eat so much at an all you can eat buffet that I get kicked out---
26. Get sold cigs after a nice shave (the little that's there)
27. Buy an anal douche---
28. Have a tight ass party---
29. Beat Howard's record and eat 7 lbs of chocolate pudding with him---
30. Eat 12 tacos in one sitting---
31. Spray paint a giant penis on a city bus---
32. Pick up a ho---
33. Kick her out---
34. Ride a tractor to Wal-mart---
35. Go swimming in the fountain downtown---
36. Read a book---
37. Brew my own beer---
38. Smoke out of a hookah
39. Get a tattoo---
40. Piss off of the parking garage downtown
41. Go to a protest---
42. Go to Mary Black's grave---
43. Tip a cow---
44. Hit a homerun with a mail box---
45. Eat N Park at 6 AM Part II---
46. Spend the night downtown---
47. Sell a sandwich to a bum---
48. Eat Ryan's pet chickens---
49. Meet someone famous---
50. Go to that Medieval thing at Moraine---

Oh yeah......
