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Wednesday, 21 January 2009
trying to get every newspaper
trying to get every newspaper i can trying to be covert but just noticed that my fly has been down the whole time

remote Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 8:51 AM EST
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Monday, 19 January 2009
good ideas - offer services
good ideas - offer services to web design office also mjb will talk to me so hould pm and call vendors dreams rapidshare

remote Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 2:51 AM EST
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a great idea google search
a great idea google search then rank pages by alexa combine delicious maybe

remote Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 1:48 AM EST
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Sunday, 18 January 2009
will this wokr i am
will this wokr i am trying mobile blogging will be short recurring theme iss going to be backing up

remote Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 3:15 AM EST
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Its Been Even Longer
Now Playing: Poker After Dark, Also earlier watched Boxing After Dark,..

Hmmm, well, back again, its been longer, seem to remember this page, in the begining of the years... lots of stuff has happened... it has been over a year and a half though so naturally.....

I should probably elaborate over several threads.. a brief timeline first though.


May 2007 - 22nd Birthday Party


school starts back, living alone, on the corner. lots of new friends, really good time.

meet jamie on halloween = paradigm shift hehe

move in with alex in november

tragedy on christams eve

atlanta grady hospital. mary jane. tonies.home

statesboro. kentucky. dr zehner. bowling green. good times.

nashville. bus ride. georiga. valentines.. dnb show. party. pawn shop stripper.. ? window? wall hole? black eye? dave?

partick. josh. megan. jessica.

fights. crimes. retards. robberies.

jail. lights out. move. idiot. dopeman. rodog.

insurance money. idiot. new girl for josh. kwaku.

work. boring. mad. boring. work. backups. home some

 ok, thats a way brief timeline and misses a lot. forgot to mention graduate in there.  i should do that for the time before i started this. 






Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 3:10 AM EST
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Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Well, i won't deny that i am drunk. if this is intoxication then i am intoxicated, but i kinda feel like i have been more drunk, but i did have a good time tonite i just hope i wasnt too drunk, becasue being too drunk just sucks, i met some grls that jay was hangin out with and they were cool, and i wont to talk to some of my girls, or one of the two, but whatever i just kinda feel bored, but at the same time its cool, either way this is my worst blog entry, so lets blog for real, what actually happened tonite, so after my car broke down, i went to the pool, then, i came home took a shower, then i went to harveys, with jays, bg, then i went to dos, after i had already been to oasis, then we grilled out, and then acutally went to dos for the first time, and hung hung hung out i saw a good bit of ppl i knew, and it was cool then we came home after i talked to the bartender and pretty much established that for me, vodka and sour means vodka sour and razz ma tazz and then we left, and believe it or not i stil have my drink, and what is stupid is that i have the news on and their talkin about paris hilton, who cares if she had a sex tape, this whole think is so stupid and she totally dosen't deserve to be famous, and yes her being famous and then going to jail is totatlly horrible, because jail is bad for everyone, but if you have never been to anything remotely like jail (ghetto public scoool) then jail is 1,600 times worse, and i only say 1,600 because i went to school with 1,600 time people that are worse than paris, and so....what. im out, the world would be bettter, if....

Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 12:57 AM EDT
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Monday, 26 February 2007
Back from Augusta
Now Playing: Law and Order SVU
Went to Augusta this weekend to see Mike. It was pretty cool, we went to a place called the soul bar, it was James Browns place, pretty cool, we got to hang out out back. There was a bum that we gave a soco and lime shot to, but he spit it back out because Phil told him it had a roofy. Went to an EMO bar, everybody was wearing solid white make-up, weird... Watched the Illusionist which was pretty cool. Had a really good time, mike broke a bowl and was upset, met his friends, Jenny, Ashley, Joel, and a Steven. Good times.

Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 2:27 AM EST
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Monday, 19 February 2007
Weird Dream
Well I skipped Class..

Weird dream,
it was thanksgiving day, it was the 70s, my unclde accidentally drove us to Atlanta instead of Milledgeville we were on our way to Glenville. I noticed immedietally because of all the tall buildings, jessie and mitch were with us, but only briefly, we got into a huge interesction, possibly spaghetti junction, but much more complex. My uncle was driving and somehow got going the wrong way, he kept trying to dodge traffic, I was in an overhead view at this point, another wrong way driver may have caused the collision, but we were also in it, turned very very big, many people were hurt, some probably died, we were all ok, and walked away from the scene, without talking to police, we walked to a train station, there was a relaxing room for kids, it had a super nintendo, I went into the relaxing room and pretended to steal it, told another kid he was too uptight, then went in to the tickets room, then woke up, my uncle was not my real uncule he was bald with a combover, maybe the son-in-law off of all in the family, but i think someone else, definately someone off of TV.

Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 1:38 PM EST
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Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Nothing Much
Now Playing: Nothing
Bored Today. Went to my long art class, had some chickfila in there so that was ok. Now im working on my homework for Crimminal Law. It sucks. Maybe live with Jay next year or here by myself. Either way its gonna be crunk.

Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 5:11 PM EST
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Thursday, 8 February 2007
Today - A Realy Good Day
Now Playing: 8 Ball Cd In The Background
For Starters it was very warm. I got to wear shorts. I did have two test, but not having to worry about them makes it great. Got done with class early. Hung out at home, watched some pretty good tv. Hung out a good bit with laura and that was nice. Watched some frasier. Messed around on the internet with Stumble Upon. It is pretty cool. Had a really fun time hanging out with "the group". Did some more fun stumbling, found a cool drum maker machine. Went and had some more fun with a larger group. Then went to Dos. It was cool, hung out with Eddie. Talked to Steve, him and his girl broke up and he is leaving to go to Charlotte soon, to do real estate. Back to dos, talked to some people. Came here, hung out with Eddie. Pretty fun, chilled with Hunter. Had some good business Idea. Turning Dos into a Bottle Club was part of one. Also that Sam should probably move out some time soon. It was a great day to say the least. I hope tomorrow is as good or better. Some other good stuff happened too I think, but im not really sure. Wonderful Wednesday. Made good money too!

Posted by bc3/magicicianmatt at 6:07 AM EST
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